Chapter 28

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In the next few days, Lin Ze and Zhang lived a life of waking up early and working late at night.

Get up early in the morning to bake bread, and stay up until late at night.

Although it is quite busy, it is actually not too tiring. The main thing is that the business has just started, and many trivial things will become easier once they are on the right track and straightened out.

Just as Lin Ze expected, the bread was quickly accepted and liked by the people in the town.

The main reason is that the varieties are fresh, and the three flavors of bread basically take consumers of all ages into consideration. Not only do children like it, but many adults will never forget it after eating it.

People in the town have much more money than in the village. Although they won't buy it every day, it's okay to buy it every two days.

Those who are relatively well-off and wealthy have no scruples and come to visit almost every day. Many ladies and ladies in the town have developed the habit of taking bread for breakfast and afternoon tea in a short period of time.

Lin Ze had expected this. After all, he copied the modern business methods in the bread business, and he could estimate the situation he would encounter.

Among the three flavors of bread, the 'jam packet' is the most popular, because it is not only delicious and the cutest, but also the cheapest.

Compared with 6 cents for a piece of bread, 3 cents for a jam packet is more affordable for everyone. Buying one can comfort a crying child at home, so this kind of sales volume is the largest.

Lin Ze was happy to see the results. No one else knew that although the jam packets were cheap, they were actually his biggest profit!

Of course, there are also many people buying the other two types, and the main consumers are those from relatively well-off families.

But no matter which one you like, in the end his profit is objective.

However, the family's manpower was limited, and Lin Ze did not intend to spread the bread all over the streets, so the quantity sold every day was stipulated based on the number of residents in the town.

A total of 800 pieces of bread, while supplies last, a typical modern hunger marketing technique.

After this regulation came out, their bread sales speed increased significantly. In the past, they had to sell until the afternoon before closing the stall. After everyone heard about the limit, they were able to sell out at noon, and the results were gratifying.

Eight hundred loaves of bread a day, after excluding costs, the income is about 2 taels!

Zhang really wants to stay on the street selling all day long, no matter how tired he is, this business is so profitable.

But Lin Ze had to spare time to study, and half a day every day was already very little. Money was important, but the imperial examination was more important. He couldn't have such a shallow horizon.

But the income of a few taels of silver a day is also very tempting. Selling time stamps for only half a day feels a bit wasteful. Since Lin Ze is not free, why not just hire someone to help sell them?

In this case, Lin Ze can also read at home in the morning and only needs to be responsible for making bread.

"The idea is feasible, but let's take a look and wait until we are on the right track before hiring people. The time is too short and there are many small problems that we haven't noticed yet. Now is the time to put out the famous brand. Things are rare and valuable, so we must To make people in the town think that bread is a rare and good thing..."

Agricultural examination: making money, taking exams, and supporting the familyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang