Chapter 135

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Perhaps modern people think that the current Daji Dynasty is very backward and feudal, but in the eyes of other foreigners at this time, the Daji Dynasty is a representative of prosperity and wealth. At least ordinary people can live a stable and starving life no matter how bad their lives are.

Compared with other barbarian countries, they are still tribal, with many resources lacking and their lives precarious. Doing business in the Great Ji Dynasty is their only chance to live a good life.

Because the Daji Dynasty was prosperous, the people were rich and generous, so at the same time, in the eyes of most Nanyang merchants, the people in the Daji Dynasty who could not speak their language were fat sheep, and they were slaughtered every time they met.

Lin Ze who wants to buy something from a dying slave is even more of an idiot.

Seeing that Lin Ze was better dressed and looked better than the people in the surrounding villages, several Nanyang businessmen looked at each other and immediately began to speak unceremoniously.

"@#?a data-cfemail="7c383c">[email protected]#¥,50 taels!"

The first words he spoke were incomprehensible, but the second words he spoke were in the Dajichao language.

In fact, it's not that these Nanyang businessmen really don't speak the language here. After all, they are asking the people of Daji to do business. First of all, they have to learn the language before they dare to come. The reason for doing this is to use the language barrier to negotiate prices to deceive people. That's all.

Those who can afford Nanyang slaves are all rich men. They will not lose face by having to deal with a person who can't understand a few dozen taels of silver. As long as it doesn't exceed too much, they can accept it.

Of course, Lin Ze could afford it for 50 taels, but this was obviously a trick. How could he nod so easily.

In fact, the so-called Nanyang slaves are just expensive because they are rare. Compared with the slaves in Daji Dynasty, they are not bad, and they are easier to train. The price of ordinary slaves is only 30 taels at most. How dare these people Give him an opening.

After carefully distinguishing the language accents of the Nanyang people in front of him, and then recalling the first few types of Westerners who appeared in China, Lin Ze estimated that the language spoken by these people was very similar to Latin.

Latin is considered a minor language in modern times. He has never studied it professionally and naturally does not understand it. However, he remembers that he visited the Vatican once when he was working in foreign trade. Latin is the official language still used there to this day.

In ancient times, Latin was the aristocratic language of the West at that time. In fact, to put it simply, it was like the differences in dialects in China due to different regions. For example, people in the capital all spoke Beijing accent.

Lin Ze didn't understand the specific language, but he used to go out on business trips and learn a few sentences of local daily slang. Saying hello to customers is an essential communication tool. Familiar language always makes people feel friendly and more sincere.

The Nanyang man stared at the lion's open mouth and pondered for a while.

Lin Ze gritted his teeth and felt anxious in his heart, but he frowned calmly and showed an unhappy sneer.

"50 taels? Huh?a data-cfemail="2b6a624c454458484e464243420a6b">[email protected]#$#@!"

The second half of the Jiligulu language actually translates to 'sorry' and 'goodbye'.

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