Chapter 99

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On the second day of the school holiday, the Married at First Sight Dessert Shop, which had been planned for nearly a month, finally opened under the spotlight.

It is indeed the center of attention.

As early as when he decided to open a dessert shop, Lin Ze started publicity work at the small stalls. The wave of money-making opportunities during the Mid-Autumn Festival was even more inevitable, so now everyone in Nanyang Town knows that Liuhe opened it. A dessert shop called 'Love at First Sight'.

Apart from the "Love at First Sight" sign, the name of the store is a bit weird and unusual, but the dessert shop is easy to understand. To put it bluntly, it just sells snacks. It is no different from Xianleju.

People who have never tasted Lin's food have a nonchalant tone, which makes the 'dessert fans' who have tasted it very dissatisfied, and they immediately retort,

"No, no, no, there's a big difference between the dim sum at Love at First Sight and Xianleju!"

oh? Big difference? Xianleju is a century-old store. What the hell is it like love at first sight? The reputation of Xianleju can be overshadowed by the fact that it just came out?

"That's right, Xianleju's dim sum is good, but in our small town where there is nothing good, it's not enough to look at outside. But love at first sight is different. Their dim sum is not only delicious, but even the capital city The only one that none of them have..."

What? The only one that doesn't even exist in the capital? So exaggerated? You wouldn't tell anyone on purpose.

Anyway, people who have never tried it cannot imagine the special taste of Love at First Sight dessert, but those who have eaten it are full of exaggerated praise.

As a result of the dispute, on the opening day, the dessert shop was crowded with famous customers.

Since the dessert shop is a high-end leisure shop, the prices are expensive and ordinary people cannot afford it, but Lin Ze doesn't want to do such a thing as cutting prices to lower his value.

He had no intention of opening the dessert shop to increase sales. It was opened specifically to make easy money. He only considered quality, not quantity.

But it had to be popular on the opening day, so in addition to decorating the store, Lin Ze also circled an open space outside the door and set up a shed. The Liuhe River is clean and there are plenty of open spaces. There is basically no one to care about it if you want to use it.

The desserts sold in the shed outside are also available in the store, but they are only in small portions for tasting.

This greatly satisfies the people who want to taste it but are short of money.

Those with money just swaggered into the store with proud and showy expressions. In addition to eating desserts, they also enjoyed the service and atmosphere of the dessert shop. When they first saw the decoration of the dessert shop, everyone was curious.

Lin Ze put a lot of thought into the decoration of the entire store, which has both a modern, simple and elegant style, and an elegant atmosphere of ancient aesthetics.

After entering the door, there is another scene in the store.

If you want to open a store that is prosperous and famous, it must have its own characteristics. Dessert shop Linze was originally intended to be a casual restaurant.

Therefore, the layout of the store is divided into several areas for couples, couples, men, and children, taking care of customers of all ages.

Moreover, each area is separated by specially treated thick walls, and the sound insulation effect is very good. Order a few desserts, fruit tea and milk tea, enjoy the scenery of Liuhe River, and listen to the elite students reading aloud when the private school starts. Sound, don't live too comfortably.

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