Chapter 103

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It was an unexpected blessing to accidentally save the newly appointed husband-in-waiting of the county magistrate and win the favor of the county magistrate.

Previously, County Magistrate Wang was about to be transferred. Lin Ze was still worried about what he would do if the next magistrate was not easy to get along with. After all, there is land and there is God. The magistrate's official position is not big, but he is a local emperor. He wants to live a stable life. , the relationship must be well established.

From a young age, I have seen that the drowned servant is a sensible person who does not rely on his status. I think the newly appointed county magistrate should not be too difficult to deal with.

After accepting the favor jade ball and saying goodbye to the other party, after a little delay, Lin Ze and Zhang were not in the mood to go shopping anymore.

The couple picked out a few snacks that tasted good and bought a few bags. Then they went to the iron shop to get the copper wire, steel wire nails and other materials they had ordered before, and then returned directly to the inn.

A group of children in Li's family were difficult to control, but they were unexpectedly suppressed by Lin Ze. Even if there were complaints about the things Lin Ze told them, they all worked hard to complete them.

Well, the main reason is that he is really afraid of Lin Ze's unconventional ways of treating people. He is not afraid of being beaten or scolded, but he is afraid of unknown things.

When the child stayed at the inn, he honestly followed Fang Shanyuan to catch up on the lessons he had missed in the past few days. The intermittent recitation and the questions and answers from his teacher and students came from the room, making people passing by in the corridor stop and wonder.

Even the innkeeper who heard the news guessed that they were private school students and teachers, and actually curried favor by sending them a bowl of meat buns for free.

The things were not too expensive, but this was the first time the children experienced the sense of superiority brought by reading outside. It was novel and proud. When Lin Ze and Zhang came back, they all took credit and showed off.

Knowledge in books is important, but what you learn from life events is also something that can affect a person's entire life.

Seeing the growing interest in learning in the children's eyes, Lin Ze once again felt that it was the right choice for him to take everyone out.

China's exam-oriented education can lay a solid foundation, and Western open education can improve children's interest and creativity. Each has its own merits, and the effect will be better if they can be integrated.

However, the modern education system has been fully developed, and it is difficult to reform it. However, in ancient times, because the reading group was small and the husband had a large say, he could try something.

I was thinking about it and took the little guys to the backyard of the inn at night.

Under the expectant eyes of the students, he taught everyone a little physics knowledge with the wild lemons he picked on the road. After gaining the admiration of the little monkeys and Fang Shanyuan, he invited everyone to go back to their rooms to rest and gather enough energy to participate in Huixian tomorrow. feast.

But before going to bed, Lin Ze thought of the drowning boy he met earlier.

"Ah, do you think that the little brother who drowned today is a bit kind? I always feel as if I have seen him somewhere. No, I should say that I have probably seen 'Lin Ze' before. Ah, you have stayed in the village for a long time, You know more people than me, do you have any impressions?"

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