Chapter 133

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When he came back from the county seat to see his brother, he gossiped about Duan Wensai's little thoughts of peeping at his son with Zhang's disdainful gossip. After receiving Zhang's amused laughter, Lin Ze also started to prepare for the work of welcoming his precious son.

My little brother was born in seven months, and his belly is now six months old. One month sounds like a lot of time, but it is very urgent.

Because the little brother has no milk, Lin Ze has already arranged for Lin's father to raise them in the village. Anyway, the children in the private school have to drink milk on weekdays, and the dessert shop also needs milk. He asked Lin's father to raise it in the village. Got a place to raise cows and ewes.

Other medicinal and nutritional products to replenish and nourish the body were prepared early, and Duan Wensai also gave away a lot of good things.

Midwives were easier to find, they were everywhere, but Lin Ze didn't trust the women in the village, so he spent a lot of time and money to hire a midwife who was reserved for wealthy families in the town.

In addition, he was worried about accidents during delivery, so he went to the medicine hall to contact a doctor, so he was prepared.

Jiang Rongniang stayed with her brother for half a month and hurried back with her. Although she was worried about her son, she couldn't just leave Zhang alone. She was a mother-in-law, so there was no reason why she wouldn't be with her when her grandson was born.

But even so, Lin Ze was still worried. He had no experience being a father for the first time, so it was inevitable that he would feel uneasy.

He was worried about the child, and he was even more worried about Zhang. After all, it was well known that medical conditions in ancient times were poor. A cold could kill someone. It is not an exaggeration to say that giving birth to a child would cost one's life.

Having been married to Zhang for such a long time, their relationship has grown deeper and deeper. If Zhang had a problem because of giving birth to a child, Lin Ze felt that he really couldn't accept it.

So with this uneasy feeling, Lin Ze didn't even think about reading. In addition to going to class every day, he went to the medical clinic to learn some medical principles about childbirth from the doctors, and shamelessly asked the midwives to teach him the knowledge of childbirth. He looked like he was going to play if he didn't get it right.

The midwife was so moved and her face turned red, how could she have the nerve to teach a man this? It was so unspeakable and shameful.

But in the end, she still couldn't handle Lin Ze's shamelessness and worry about her husband. For the sake of money and emotion, the midwife still reluctantly taught him.

Zhang felt that Lin Ze was exaggerating, but in fact he was quite nervous and scared. As a first-time parent, with no experience, it is inevitable to feel panic about the unknown.

In comparison, the elders in the family are much calmer. They have seen many babies and are experienced. They prepared things calmly and comforted the two young ones.

"Don't be nervous, you two. My belly is just the right size and my body is well maintained. It's easy to give birth. Most of those who have difficulty giving birth are because their bodies are not well-conditioned. In fact, it's not that scary..."

These words of comfort are also true. Although the girl's brother has gone to hell after giving birth to a baby, most of the accidents are mainly because the family is poor, did not take good care during pregnancy, and did not have life-saving medicine during delivery.

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