Chapter 160

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The old lady of the Bai family and her daughter-in-law set out from the village to the town.

Along the way, I saw a lot of officials rushing back and forth in various villages. When I arrived in the town, everything was very lively. The topic everyone talked about was the census.

Not only for their villagers, but also for the people in the town, all family members are censused, and then couples and couples who have not registered at the Yamen are asked to register quickly. Those who fail to do so within the specified time will be punished.

For this reason, the Yamen also set up several service booths. People in the town were close to each other and had already gone to register, forming a long queue.

The more Mrs. Bai looked at it, the more she felt that this 'census' was not simple. She didn't understand why the census required the registration of married people. This was completely irrelevant.

With something in mind, Mrs. Bai first took her daughter-in-law to the medical clinic to check her pulse and prescribe some medicine to regulate her body during pregnancy. Then she went to see Mr. Zou to find out what the government census did to register marriages.

Speaking of it, a lonely old lady like her has raised her son without being bullied for many years. She has also built a house for her son and married her. Apart from the old lady's ability, the biggest reason is that she has a good loser who is married to a head catcher. .

Although the head catcher is not a great official, he works in the yamen and is responsible for more than a dozen catchers. He is still very prestigious and dignified in front of ordinary people.

Old Mrs. Bai's daughter was raised on her milk when she was a child. Her mother died early, and when her stepmother was not good, the old lady would always help and support her, so she was very close to the old lady and respected her as her own mother.

Because Bai Yinu was beautiful and had a good belly, Zou Captou doted on her and gave birth to three sons in succession. Therefore, he loved the whole family and agreed readily to the old lady's every request that was not too excessive.

Therefore, as soon as Mrs. Bai and her daughter-in-law came to the door, they were warmly received.

"Auntie, why didn't you say anything before you came? You didn't even prepare anything at home. Come inside and sit down."

"Auntie came to see you. I have some letters. I came here as soon as I thought of it. Come here and pick up the things first. The old hen raised at home. Look at you. You haven't seen anyone for a long time and you have lost weight. You must not have eaten well. There are no old people in your husband's family. Take care of me, just be careful and replenish yourself. If you want to eat chickens and ducks, my aunt will give them to you when you get back. The ones raised in our village are more fat than those in the town..."

Old Mrs. Bai didn't say anything when she came in. She cared about people first when she opened her mouth. Every word she said touched people's hearts. It's no wonder that Bai Yinu treated her as her own mother and treated her with filial piety.

Yang Liuliu's life experience is typical of a stepmother and a stepfather. She lacks the most maternal love. Old lady Bai just makes up for this. She is also very knowledgeable and coaxes this lost girl very well.

Of course, there is some genuine concern in it. The main reason is that Yang Liuliu's birthday is the death anniversary of the old lady's first daughter who died in infancy. The old lady feels that this is the reincarnation of her dead daughter, so she treats her as a daughter, otherwise she really feels sorry for her. How can others not notice it if they have been pretending for a long time?

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