Part 130

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A/N: Merry Christmas guys! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I'm gonna take a small break to do some more writing and I'll be back soon with more of the story! Have a good one guys. Lots of love Steffi xoxo

"Alright, let's all chill now. It's just a little girl." I slowly walked over to the door again and turned around to face my friends.

"Yeah, a creepy little girl." Leila mumbled.

"Let's go, it'll be fine." Ana pushed the others in my direction and I faced the hall again, mentally preparing myself.

The moment I stepped foot in the hallway the lights in the room we were standing in went out as well. Jana, who was the one standing behind me, grabbed a hold of my shoulders. I took another deep breath and stepped forward.

As soon as we were in the hall moving forward, much to our horror we realized that the walls were made out of a huge blanket and that people were standing on the other side, pushing us through the blanket.

We eventually made it to the otherside, breathing heavily, leaning on our knees. We only had to go back for Leila once. Halfway through she suddenly decided that it was enough for her.

"That was easy." The dark haired defender breathed out and stood back straight again.

"Ooh shut up, you wuss." I glared at her even though she couldn't see me.

We couldn't go further down the hallway because we were blocked by what seemed to be a wall with a ladder. We didn't have to climb too high but this part of the hallway was still very dark.

"Hey, a flashlight." Ana spotted the white flashlight that was hanging off the ladder. The Swiss grabbed it and immediately turned it on.

"Selfie. Really? Now?" Mapi read the tag below a Polaroid Camera that was installed next to the ladder.

I shrugged my shoulders at the defender. "Making memories I guess." I turned to the camera again and mentioned for everyone to get into the frame so I could take the selfie.

"Can you even see us in the dark?" Jana looked over my shoulder once the picture came out.

"Don't know, we'll have to wait and see." I told her and waved the picture around so it could develop.

We climbed the ladder and ended up at a platform that held a locked gate that would lead us to another room again. Near our feet was a hair blower so while the girls investigated the lock, I was developing the picture.

"We need arrows to open this lock." I heard Mapi say.

"But where do we find them? I mean we haven't seen any, right?" Jana asked the girls but none of them had an answer.

The picture was slowly developing and our faces started to appear on the photo but that wasn't the only thing that was showing.

"Uhm try, up, left, down, up." I told Mapi and the girl did as I told her.

The lock clicked open and Mapi looked at me shocked as did the others. "How did you know that?" Jana asked, confused.

I simply showed her the picture. The eyes of the others went wide. The picture was a goofy selfie of us but in the background stood the creepy girl holding up a sign with the arrows for the code.

"I'm officially creeped out." Ana said while a chill ran down her spine.

"It took you this long?" Leila looked at her, completely freaked out by the picture but Ana just waved her off while I opened the door that led us to yet another room.

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