Kai Parker Imagine #1 Part Three

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I wake up, slowly separating from Kai. I walk up to my room to go take a shower. Finally feeling somewhat refreshed and I put on some clothes. Then I brush my teeth, do put my hair in a ponytail. I glance at the clock and it says '11:35 A.M.'

Damn, I totally overslept. I walk down the stairs and peek into the living room where a sleeping Kai laid. Then I walk into the kitchen to prepare a thick omelet recipe that was passed down from mother.

Once it was prepared, I cut it into fourths and go over to wake up Kai. I tap his shoulder and he woke up shocked. So shocked that he said the words.


Right then i knew what was going to happen. After he said those words, I went flying against the painting on the my wall. I felt shards of glass pierce my through my back and I shriek in pain, then I fell to the floor.

"Y/N! " screamed Kai.

He holds me up and says

"I am so sorry. Are you ok?"

"Yea, yea. I'm fine." I grunt. I look at him and he examines my body for wounds. I got up slowly and I say

"I'll be right back. There is food on the table in the kitchen. I made it for you. Tell me what you think of it."

"What? No. I'm not going to eat something you made after I threw you against a wall."

I flashed him a look and then he complied. I run upstairs, take off my shirt and feel for any shards of glass left in my bad. After I am done with that, I put wipe off the blood and put on another shirt. I walk back down the stairs and I see Kai sitting down eating the omelet that I made. He devoured the first one I gave him and went up for another slice.

I chuckle and rest my shoulder on the wall. He looks up with a mouthful of omelet and a sad look on his face.  He swallows and says

I'm so--"

"Shhhh. No more apologizing. I'm over it... So how's my omelet?"

"It. Is. Amazing!"


He finished eating and walks up to me. He didn't know how to move, so he seemed fidgety but then, he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and he said

"Thanks. And... sorry."

I turn to say "Stop it. I told you I am over it."

Then I realized that he didn't move from where he was leaning in, so when I turned to see his lips inches from mine. I clear my throat and look down, which was a sign meaning 'not right now, dude'. He licked his lips and walked away to his car.

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