You're Dead to Me

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Y/N mourns Mason's death

It's been days since I heard from Mason, and it's not like him to leave me in the unknown. The last time I heard of him, he was bickering with Damon and Alaric. And knowing how impulsive and childish Damon is, this is an immediate red flag.

I rush out of my house without a single thought. I speed into their driveway and run out of my car to bang on the Salvatore's door. When they don't open, I say an incantation to bust the door open. I walk into the Salvatore's house and say:


"Y/N, what the hell?" Damon says as he sees the door on the floor.

"Where's Mason?"

"Whatever do you mean?" He says with a smirk, which confirms my assumption.

I make a fist, and while doing so, I cut off the air in his lungs. I find a chair and break off a leg to serve as a stake.

"Let's try this again,"

Damon drops his bourbon as he clutches his throat and I swing my arm back and drive the stake to his stomach. He yells in pain and I add:

"Where is Mason?"

"If you'll kill me, you'll never find him." He groans.

I restore the air into his lungs and he sighs in relief.

"What were you doing to him?" I ask.

"I was obtaining information for the sun and moon curse," he says with a cough.

"And let me guess, you just couldn't help yourself but to torture him to get said information." I say.

"Yup," He says with an emphasis of the 'p'.

I kick him in the chest and he groans in pain.

"What happened to you, (Y/N/N)?"

"The name is (Y/N), and nothing happened to me, I just got tired of your bullshit." I explain.

"Now this is the last time I am going to ask this before I rip your heart out and find him myself . Where is Mason?" I add.

"He's dead. I killed him." He states.

"You're lying,"

"You know I don't lie about killing people. I actually take pride in it."

"Where's his body?" I say, anger dripping from my voice.

"In a cell rotting somewhere,"

"You better hope that I can find a way to revive him, or else you'll die worse than he did," I say before walking down to where they keep the cells.

Sure enough when I open the first cell, I see Mason's body hunched over and blood staining his back.

"Mason?" I whimper.

I kneel down next to him and pull so that he is facing me. I gasp loudly when I see his crystal blue eyes turn gray and his heart missing.

"No," I take his body into my lap and link my arms around him as I cradle him.

I sob softly into his curly, dark brown hair and inhale his scent.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I never meant any of this to happen. I-"

"Save it Stefan. There's nothing that you can do to save him." I croak.

I softly caress his hair and whisper to him:

"Don't worry, baby. I will avenge you."

I press one last kiss on his lips before standing from the floor.

"(Y/N), whatever you're about to do, don't. I know that you're hurting, but-" I snap his neck with a flick of the wrist.

"Damon!" I yell.

"Yes," He says.

"What did he ever do to you?! Was it because he was with me? Is that it?" I spazz.

"Oh get over yourself, it wasn't about you, it never was."

"Then why? Why did you do it?"

"Because he has information that I needed,"

"Why did you have to kill him!"

"Because then he would run back to you and you'll try to kill me." He explains.

"That'll happen to you either way,"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know how much he meant to you." He states.


I twist my wrist, breaking his legs in the process. When he yells out, I move to shatter his leg bones. Then I spread it so that his entire skeletal system is shattering.

"P-please, I'm sorry."

"Oh you will be,"

I lift him into the air with telekinesis and take off his daylight ring. I toss it across the room and take down all of the curtains. I watch with anger as he continues to burn. He growls in pain but I keep him there until I see fit.

I throw him back on the ground and give a second or two to recover before staring at his bourbon and slowly turning it into vervain water. I take it into my hand and pour it all over his body. The sizzle of his skin is somewhat satisfying to my considering what he did to Mason.

I take the stake that I made and pierce it through his stomach until it went through his back. I pull the stake out and do the same thing but through his liver. The more I think back to Mason's heartless body, the harder and more frequent I stabbed.

"(Y/N)!" Bonnie yells at me.

"Let him go. What are you doing?"

I drop the stake and drive my hand through his chest until I could feel his beating heart into my hands.

"(Y/N), please."

I send her flying across the room. I am not going to let her interfere with my revenge.

"He killed Mason, Bonnie! He ripped out his heart and I am going to do the same to him!" I tell her.

"No, (Y/N), you can't." She says in pain.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." I say, tighten my grip around his heart.

My brain started to dwell in pain and I let go of Damon's heart. I clutch my head and fall to my knees.

I couldn't believe it. Bonnie was giving me an aneurysm. I overcome her powers with my own and stand from the ground abruptly.

"You would protect this monster?" I say with hurt.

"(Y/N), please."

"I won't kill him. But he is dead to me, and so are you. You just chose a side, and it clearly isn't mine." I say before going back into the cellars to bury Mason's body.

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