Crappy Ass Boyfriend

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Y/S/N's P.O.V:

"Kai, please, stop."

He wrapped his hands around my throat trying to strangle me.

"Don't call me Malachai. Ever again. Do you understand me?"

I nod and he let go of me. I slide down the wall and bury my face in my hands. I silently sob and Kai says in a low, threatening voice.

"Y/S/N, what did I tell you about crying?"

"Not to."

"Then why are you doing it!" He screamed in my face, making me wince.

"Leave me alone!" I scream at him. He back hands me and I feel a bruise forming.

"You are just a weak, human bitch who does nothing but cry. Was your mother like this? Is that why you're like his? Because your no good mother thought it was ok to raise her whore of a daughter to be a cry baby?"

Y/S/N huddled in a corner, waiting for Kai to leave.

Y/N P.O.V:

I lay comfortably across Brett's chest until I felt a sting in my abdomen. I wince at the sensation and run my fingers over my bare chest.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"It's my sister. My twin sister."

"Is she alright? Where is she?"

"In Mystic Falls. I have to go." I say walking out of bed. I walk towards the bathroom with the sheet covering my body.

"Do you need me to come with you?"

"No, it should be a quick trip."

"But what if you get hurt?" He asks with concern.

"You've sparred with me before. I can defend myself, Brett."

He walks out of bed, not caring that he is completely naked.

"Listen." He says cupping my cheeks and looking deeply into my eyes.

"I haven't cared for someone like this before. And I don't want to see you get hurt. The most powerful always tend to fall. Even if you are a badass black belt vampire."

I press my lips to his. He deepens the kiss by pulling me close to him by my thighs. I pull away and say:

"I appreciate your concern. But I will be just fine."

"At least give a man some closure, and FaceTime me when you get there."

"Will do."

I took my shower, packed someone clothes for a couple of days and went on my merry way to Mystic Falls. As I was driving, I called Y/S/N and put her on speaker.

"Hello?" She whispered.

"Hey there, beautiful. How's it going? Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Can you please lower your voice?" She whispered.

"Why are you whispering? Quien estas con ustedes? Esa persona no es fuerto contigo, si? Si or no?"

"Nada es mal." She whispered.

"Ese es una mentida. Yo voy para donde tu ere ahora mimso. No mueve y dije nadye, intiende?"


"Los veemos. Adios."

I hang up the phone. Someone is hurting her and I have to find out who. I arrive at her apartment and I hear yelling. I don't bother knocking on the door, I just barge in.

"What the hell? Whoa. That's weird, you two look exactly alike." A tall man with dark brown hair and light green eyes says.

I blow him off and run to Y/S/N who was huddled into a corner. She winces at my touch.

"Hey. It's just me. You're ok."

She lifts her head entirely and I see a small bruise beginning to form on her left cheek. Tears escape her eyes and falls on to my palm. I pull her into a hug and rub her back soothingly and she sobs into my shoulder. I shush her as her breathing was rapid. Almost like she was having a panic attack.

I look into her eyes and they widen. She was actually having a panic attack. I roll her onto her side and give her my arm so she can hold onto it. She does so and she started to breath slower and more calm.

"Everything is ok now. I'm here."

She nods and turns to me.

"Can you stand?" I ask.


"Good, come on."

She stands and I notice that she has lost a lot of weight, too much weight. She was basically skin and bones. Her once beautiful skin was tarnished by bruises and paleness. She has dark bags under her eyes like she hasn't been sleeping. I now notice she had a busted lip.

"Sit down, everything will be ok."

The minute I sit her down, I super speed to Kai and pin him on the wall by his neck.

"Y/N!" Alexus screams.

"No! This son of a bitch needs to know what it is feels like......."

Fiery laces my eyes and I look into his eyes.

"How dare you? Hurt my little sister?"

He chuckles darkly and says:

"Little sister?"

"Yes. We may be twins but I was born two minutes before her."

He looks passed me to ask Y/S/N:

"Why did you tell me you had a twin? A hot one if that."

I slam his head against the wall and say:

"You disrespectful little shit!"

"Ooo. It's not nice to curse."

"I don't give a shit about your rule for not cursing." I say rudely.

"Mind your tone."

"Oh? And what will you do exactly? Siphon me? Yes, I know all about what you can do. Good luck with that."

He held out his hand and says:


I didn't even flinch, I say:

"That's cute."

Then I grab his hand and slowly turned it until I heard cracking and popping noises.
Kai grunts in pain and I let go of his hand.
Then I slide him further up the wall, letting less and less oxygen enter his lungs.

"If you ever hurt her again. If you so much as touch a hair on her beautiful little head. I will make you feel so many ounces of physical pain, in places you never knew existed. Because I know you can't feel emotion and you basically became immune to verbal abuse, so...."

This pissed him off because now his eyes were laced with rage. Now, he's laughing sadistically.

"Wow. Someone's did their homework. I'm flattered really but your threats don't scare me."

"Neither do yours. But I'm guessing you are going to trying and threaten me anyway, because you love to hear yourself talk."

"You're really hot, you know that?"

I let go of his throat and punch him in the face.

"Y/N, stop!" I hear Y/S/N scream.

I look at Kai and he says in a sing song my voice:

"I'm coming for you, Y/S/N."

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