Kidnapped by the Originals (1/2)

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The plot of this story is pretty self explanatory.

Just recently, I came to Mystic Falls after being summoned by my grandmother. She wanted me to meet my half sister, Bonnie Bennett, after all of these years. Bonnie and I's Mom, had an affair with my dad when she went on a business trip. When she found out that she was pregnant, she had Bonnie's dad compelled so that he would think that it was his baby.

Once I was born, she sent me to live with my dad and never gave me another thought. My dad then became a drunk and I had to live life in Rio De Janeiro on my own.

I only came to have my powers grow stronger. Once I feel satisfied with what I am capable of doing, I am going to leave this horrid place and go back to Brazil, my home.

I knock on my grandmother's door and a few moments later, the door opens.


"It's (Y/N), your child's love child." I say.

"Right, (Y/N) it's nice to see you." She says with a small smile.

"Is it really? 'Cause I wouldn't say the same thing about you." I snark.

"You and your daughter forgot I even existed until now." I add.

"Believe me when I say that your mother regretted leaving you every single day that she was alive." She explains.

"'She was alive'? She's dead?" I ask.

She nods her head and a voice of girl says:

"Grams, who's at the-"

The girl stopped in her tracks once she sees me and adds:

"Who is she?"

"'Grams'?" I say with a snicker.

"Bonnie, this is (Y/N) . (Y/N), this is Bonnie. You guys are half sisters." She explains.

"W-what?" Bonnie says.

"No, that is impossible. My mom would never-"

"Never what? Cheated on your father, got pregnant and hid the love child she had? Because that is exactly what she did." I state.

"How dare you?" She says as she lurches forward.

"Now girls, if this is going to work, you two are going to have to behave." Grandma says.

Bonnie and I give each other a glare before I walk into the house and make myself at home.


Staring down into my eighth shot of tequila, I hear a man with a British accent say;

"Tough night?"

"More like tough couple of months," I say before downing the shot.

"Mind if I buy you another drink, that's not tequila?" He says, making me look to him.

His chocolate brown orbs sparkle with mischief as his chestnut brown hair looks so soft and plushy.

"What kind of drink did you have in mind?" I ask, leaning my face on my palm.

"The-drink-that-won't-knock- you-on-your ass kind. I'd much rather talk to you while your partially sober." He says.

"Then you better make this conversation interesting," I say.

"Of course, darling."

Mm, I love the way he says darling.

"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." I say, offering my hand.

" (Y/N), are you by any chance Brazilian or of Brazilian descent?" He asks.

"Claro, voce gala Portuguese?"
(Of course. Do you speak Portuguese?)

"Eu sei alugmas palavras,"
(I know a few words,)

"Good to know," I say.

"I'm Kol," He says as he presses a lingering kiss on the back of my hand.

The feeling of his soft lips against my skin sends a shiver down my spine.

"Kol... as in Kol Mikaelson?" I restate.

"That's me,"

"Ah, so you're a part of the family that I should avoid." I say.

"I would be lying if I said that I'm not so bad," he says with a chuckle.

"And I'm guessing most women are scared of that fact?"


"And what if I don't listen, and don't stay away from you like I should?" I ask, curious of his response.

"Well then I would be extremely grateful," he says, turning his body towards mine as he tilts his head.

Slowly biting my lip, he smiles mischievously to me.

"Two glasses of whiskey, please." He calls to the bartender, who nods in confirmation.

"So, tell me a little bit about yourself." Kol starts.

"You first,"

He chuckles to myself before saying:

"This'll be a very interesting night for you,"

"Count me in,"

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