Wolf Pack (2/5)

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Y/N's P.O.V.:

Screams and shrills assault my ears as we all begin to shift. All of my bones start cracking and bending out of place. The moon appears red under the gaze of my golden yellow eyes. My spine cracks into place, which leaves my legs and chest left.

The bones stop cracking for a moment, giving me a couple of seconds to breathe.

Soon after, the cracking resumed and I yell out in pain. I slam the palms of my hands on the wooden floor, cracking it in the process.

I close my eyes and wait for the pain to be over. When it does, I howl at the moon and trot out of the cabin as I adjust to my new wolf form.

I dash into the woods and embrace the cold wind through my fur. I hear Barnes howling to locate where everybody was.

As I anticipated, nobody responded. Tonight is the night that we are free from him. I speed up my pace so all of the trees and shrubs all became dark green blurs.

I yelp out in excitement as I jump off of nearest tree. I inhale the strong scent of pine and carcass as I sprint through the woods.

My happiness was disrupted by a fellow pack members whining pain. I follow the whine to a large backyard that belonged to a mansion.

Three wolves, including Barnes, are cornering a man. As I concentrate on who this man was, it finally clicked; he was Malachai Parker.

The last time Barnes had an encounter with Malachai, he killed three quarters on his pack. Or in other words, Barnes is vengeful. His vengeance could get the rest of my pack killed and I can't have that.

Barnes lunges towards Malachai and I dash towards him. I jump into the air and push Barnes out of the way, so he doesn't bite Malachai.

Barnes lands on his side and yelps out in pain. He pulls it together and stands on all four legs. He growls at me and I crouch down as if I was going to attack. I pull back my lips so my teeth are showing and I growl from my core.

My growl completely drowns his and he barks at me before running away. The other wolves run after him, leaving me alone with Malachai.

I turn around and look into his eyes.

"Thank you, Y/N." He says.

I cock my head to the side in confusion.

How does he know who I am?

"You're probably asking how I know you." He states.

"Turns out, Barnes Semita is an important piece of an important spell, and I need your help to get him." He adds.

He steps forwards and I step backwards. I crouch down and growl at him.

"Easy, easy does it." He says as he puts his hands up in surrender.

I hear him say something under his breath and I cower in fear. I lower my ears back and tuck my tail in between my legs.

Before I could run away, I feel a hard object come into contact with my head. My body collapses as I see black wisps comes across my line of vision. And soon enough, everything went black.


I stretch as I sit up from the bed. A yawn escapes my mouth before I finally open my eyes to see that I am in a foreign room.

My eyebrows furrow together as I scan the room. I am in a California King bed in a spacious room.

The sunlight peeks through blinds and warms up the white duvet covering my bare body. I doubt the sense of comfort and safety in the room. I hug the duvet close to my body and notice a pair of clothes folded neatly on the nightstand.

I stand from the bed and take the thin bed sheet with me. I lift the shirt and inhale the foreign scent of a woman, most likely a brunette.

It was quite obvious that I cannot fit into her clothes. She has a doll body, whereas I have a slim thick body. This isn't going to work.

I search the drawers for a long sleeve T-shirt. As I inhale the scent I realize that it was Malachai's shirt.

I shuffle out of the room to see Malachai and another man sitting in the living room. The man has broad shoulders, raven black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.

"Good morning sunshine." Malachai greets

"What do you want from me, Malachai?" I ask.

He winces before he vampire speeds to the where I stood at the top of the stairs.

"Please call me Kai." He says before he pressing a kiss on the back of my hand.

I gently pull away my hand from lips.

"Nice shirt you got there." He says as his eyes rake my body.

"Sorry.. I just could fit into those girls clothes." I admit.

"Oh don't be sorry, you look better in it than I ever did." He compliments.

I run my finger through my hair as embarrassment picked my cheeks.

"Thanks." I say

"Kai, bring her down here." The man commands.

In the blink of an eye, I am now sitting in a chair downstairs the Kai and the man towering over me.

"What do you want from me?" I repeat.

"We need your Alpha's heart, but when I tried to get it last night, he brushed off my spell like it was a fly. Why is that?" Kai asks.

I bite my lip in thought before I say:

"I know the reason why but before I tell you, we have to make a deal."

"I like this girl already." The raven haired man states.

"Back off Damon, she's mine." Kai states.

"I'm not an object that you can claim, first off. And secondly, do we have a deal or not?" I say.

"Depends on what you are presenting, sweetheart." Kai taunts.

"If I help you find the reason why Barnes is so invincible, you have to let me kill him and take control of my pack. They've been in enough pain with him as Alpha." I propose.

Kai and Damon exchange a look before returning their gaze back to me.

"Deal." Damon states.

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