The Better Version of Elena -Requested-

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A/N: requested for @Phoenix_1021

"What's so important about her anyway?" My best friend, Y/F/N asks. "Did you miss the part where I said that she looks exactly like me?" "Or, I look exactly like her.. whatever."'I add. "Okay, so you meet her. Then what?" She asks.

"Then I get to know her. She's like my mom in a way. But like the hot mom that everyone wants to bang." "Sure, whatever floats your boat." "You're just mad because you don't have a doppelgänger." I tease.

"Well that just makes me original, so." She ticks out her tongue teasingly, and I do the same to her. I set the final ingredient on the table and say, "Let's get this party started." I crack my knuckles and repeat an incantation as I throw the ingredients in a pot.

"See ya on the flip side," I say and she gives me a deuces. I place the final thing in the pot and the next thing I knew, I am in a mansion with a boat load of smoke in my face. I cough as I fan at the smoke. "Jesus, why are these spells so musty?" "I think the better question is— Katherine?"

"Katherine?" I repeat. "No, dummy, it's Elena." "Elena? No, that's a sissy name. I'm Y/N. A descendant of—" "Katerina Petrova," Another man finishes. "Ah, so you know her." "Know her? We despise her." "Well despise her or not. I need to find her, so would you mind pointing me in the right direction."

"Hey, Stefan, why don't you call her? She's did say you were her favorite." Another man says. "Screw you," Stefan says. "I guess I'll find Katerina on my own then." I advance towards the door is the mansion and the man blocks my view of the door by vampire speeding over to me.

"Great, a vamp." "I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that. My name is Damon. And I would love to take her to Katerina— we call her Katherine." "You sure about that, Damon. Because you seem to have a pickle with her. And I want her focused on me, not you."

"Well are you selfless," He states sarcastically. "I'm leaving," I push him away and walk out of the mansion to run into another man. He has dark hair that is combed upwards and sterling brown eyes. "Katerina," He says in awe.

He reaches to touch my face and I pull away gently. "Not Katerina. Y/N." "Y/N?" "Yes, Y/N. Now do you know where Katerina is." "Actually, I was coming here to look for her as well." "Jesus, what is she? Some snake that slips out of everyone's grasp?" I ask.

"Couldn't have explained it better myself." Damon comments. "I'm Elijah. Nice to meet you." "Likewise," I walk back into the mansion and grabs a bottle of ginger ale. I collapse in a chair that was surprisingly comfortable. "So why do you want to find her anyway?" Damon asks. "I guess you can say, that I wanted to know my biological, family history." I explain.

"Well believe me when I say, you won't be proud." Damon says. "Why thank you, asshole." I snap. "Much more fiesty than Katherine. And definitely more interesting than Elena." The doorbell rings and more people flow in here like it's a party or something. "Are things always this chaotic here?"

"I believe that it is a Salvatore trait," Elijah says, making me chuckle. "Brother!" A man with sandy hair and some peach fuzz says. "K—" "Not Katerina. My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm from Y/H/T." "Ah, another Petrova doppelgänger. Wouldn't she have came in handy when you off making hybrids, eh Nick?"

"Yeah, Kol, she would have." Nick says. The door opens again and I stand up when I notice that someone that looks just like me walks through the door. "Katherine?" She says as she looks at me. "I was going to ask you the same question." We size each other up and I'm already disappointed.

"Back to square one." I say with a huff. "Who are you exactly?" She asks. "Y/N, that's all you need to know." "Okay, well, why do you want to meet Katherine?" "Why don't you want to meet her?" "Because she's a bitch."

"So? I'm a bad bitch, and you're just an entitled, bratty bitch. So I see it as, you're not even on our level." "I'm going to leave this chaotic, hellhole of a house and I'm going to find her myself." I advance towards the door and Kol say, "Perhaps I should—"

"Alone. Good bye." I close the door and walk down their driveway.

Third Person POV
"I like her," Kol says with a mischievous smile.

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