Wolf Pack (1/5)

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I inhale a deep breath of the damp, earthy atmosphere laced with pine. I take morning walks every morning before Barnes wakes up.

Ever since he became Alpha, the pack's rituals came to a halt, along with its happiness.

Originally, the Navarro Pack was lead by my father. Things went well, the pack was expanding and getting stronger by the years.

That is, until the Semita Pack came from Columbia. They are a strong pack that are known for their tracking. They came to Mystic Falls looking for the blood of the strongest Heretic, requested by their Pack Witch.

The Semita Pack is always trying to find more ways to be more powerful, and the blood was the next big thing.

Turns out, the blood of the strongest Heretic happened to be in a sociopath named Malachi Parker. We've all heard stories about him. Like how he slaughter half of his family to increase his chances being leader of his witch coven. Afterwards his own father put him in a prison world for 18 years. He finally got out and ruined his twin sister's wedding. He killed all of his witch coven, thus becoming the all power leader of the Gemini Coven.

When the Semita Pack tried to go after him, he took out three quarters of their pack. At the time,  Barnes' father was the leader of the pack and he wanted his pack merge with ours.

My father said no, he didn't want power hungry wolves taking over his packs. This created a conflict between the two packs.

A couple of nights after that, the Semita challenged us to a Gaunlet; may the best pack win.

We were winning at first, until the Semitas unleashed their witch on us, nearly wiping all of us outs. Half of my family was dead including my father and Barnes' father.

It was a battle between him and I, and he forced me to submit by threatening the lives of the rest of my pack.

I took his ultimatum and back down from being Alpha. And on top of that, he forced me to be his mate.

It's official, my life is a living hell.

Tonight is a full moon; it is one of the few times that the conjoined packs are free of Barnes' domination. We have fours uninterrupted hours of freedom.

I rub my hands together and blow hot air until them as I contradict the cold, winter air. My face grew stiff and numb.

"Hey Y/N/N." Brad, a fellow pack member greets.

"Hey." I say.

"You wake up before Barnes does too, huh?" He asks.

"Yeah, I need that hour or two of serenity for my sake." I say.

"Preach tor choir." He states.

"Well at least there is a full moon tonight." He adds.

"Y/N Y/L/N!" Barnes yells from his cabin.

"And the king awakens." Brad taunts.

I give him a small smile before retreating to Barnes' cabin.

"Y/N, where have you been babe?" Barnes asks as I walk through the door.

"I went for my morning walk." I say.

"I miss waking up with you every morning." He states as he gets out of bed.

Barnes is a mildly attractive man. He is a 5'11 man with a large build. He has a dark brown eyes, jet black hair and perfect white teeth.

From the outside he seems like the perfect boyfriend. But once you get to know him, he is an abusive, narcissistic asshole.

The first few months of him being Alpha consists of me back talking and criticizing his every move.

After a few long nights of kicks and punches from Barnes, I kept my snarky comments to a minimum.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asks as he pulls me closer by my waist.

I rest of my cold hands on his warm, bare chest.

"No, I'm not. I swear."

He winces at the contact and says:

"Baby, you're cold."

He steps closer to me and pulls me in for a hug. I stare straight ahead with my arms hangs loosely by my sides.

"I'll be fine, Barnes." I say trying to pull me away.

He squeezes my tighter and nearly knocks the wind out of me.

"When I hug you, you stay put. Do you understand me?" He condescends.

"Yes." I say softly.

"Good girl." He taunts.

"Now hug me back." He adds.

I was hesitant at first, resulting to Barnes growling at me. I quickly place my hands on his shoulder blades and he buries his face into my neck as he inhales my scent.

He pulls my hair to side and presses a hot kiss on my neck.

"No Barnes, please." I say.

"You will do as I say, when I say. And right now I'm saying take off your clothes and lay on the bed." He commands.

He pulls away from me and I release a shaky breath before I start taking off my clothes.

"Besides, i couldn't think of a better way to warm you up." He adds.

I just finished taking off my shirt when Barnes pulls me closer by the belt. He presses a warm kiss on my lips.

I effortlessly kiss him back, it's not like I have much of a choice anyway.

He unbuckles my jeans and slides them down my legs. He pushes me onto the bed and crawls up my body, leaving wet kisses up my stomach.

"Are you ready for the full moon later on tonight?" He asks as he pulls the covers over us.

"Oh, you have no idea." I say.

** 3rd Person P.O.V.:

"Malachai Parker, to what do we owe this misery." Damon says as Kai walks through the door.

"I was going to say that I have a lead on defeating the Heretics, but I guess I take my findings elsewhere." Kai says as he spins on his heels.

"Whoa, hold on now!" Damon says as uses his vampire speed to get in front of him.

"You mentioned a lead on beating the Heretics?" He adds.

A devilish smirk tugs in Kai's lips before he says:

"I found a spell that can reverse the immortality of the Heretics, making it easier for them to kill. Anyway, believe it or not, we need the heart of the most powerful werewolf. I did my research and the person who earned this title is Barnes Semita of Columbia. Who happens to be in Mystic Falls at the moment. Aren't we lucky?"

"We sure are." Damon states slaps Kai on the back.

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