Lying After All These Years (2/3)

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"Y/N, are you okay?" I hear Camille say.

Her voice sounds like she was speaking through a tunnel.

"Y/N?" She repeats.

I feel the warlock's hand leave mine and I jolt back to reality. My breathing patterns were uneven and sweat began to trickle down my face.

"Y/N," Camille says.

I look up at her and she adds:

"Thank God, you were starting to creep me out. It looks like you were in a trance or something."

My mouth began to get dry and I stood up from the table. The man looked up at me with wide eyed and asked:

"What happened?"

I knelt down next to him and places a hand on his shoulder so it would seem casual. I looked into his eyes intensity and fluctuate the irises of my eyes, and his eyes mimics mine.

"Go straight back home and pretend that nothing happened. You and I will be in touch to discuss who compelled you to do this." I say.

"Okay," He says lazily.

He stands from the table and walk out for the bar.

"Y/N, what just happened?" Camille asks, completely confused.

"Nothing happened, just forget everything you just saw." I say as I walk away.

I dash into the Mikaelson Compound and see Elijah sitting in the dining room with a glass of wine in his hands as he looked through a magazine.

"You need to call everyone and tell them to come here right now." I say.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"No, everything is not okay. You need to call everyone and they need to come here. There's something I need to discuss something with all of you." I say.

"It's crucial, Elijah, please." I add.

He pulls out his phone and calls them. I sit down at the dining room table and when Elijah finishes making his calls, he sat next to me.

"Please tell me what is going on, Y/N.You are starting to worry me." He says.

"It's easier if I just tell you all at once." I say.

He pulls my chin towards him and says:

"Hey.. you can tell me anything. You know that."

"Would you ever lie to me?" I ask as I look from his lips to his eyes.

"Of course not. I love you, it's impossible for me to lie to you." He says.

"Even if you thought it was to protect me?" I ask.

He sighs and I stand from my chair as I pull away from him.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I say.

"Y/N, is everything alright? What's the need to call an emergency meeting?" Kol asks as him and Klaus enter the compound.

"What in the bloody hell is going on here? I was in the middle of something important." Rebekah says joins the group.

"I'm sure you were," I sat under my breath.

"Is there something you would like to say, Y/N?" Rebekah asks with an annoyed voice.

"Actually yes, there is something I would like to say." I state, making the murmurs come to a halt.

"A man came to me today and said that what I was told about my parents death were untrue. I didn't believe him, but then he showed me a vision of the past. And that vision showed me that Kol had murdered everyone in the bar in my hometown. The same bar that was allegedly set on fire by a bunch of arsonists. I don't know if he was wrong and he did that to make me doubt you, or that you were lying to me after all these years and there was one person who finally had the decency to tell me the truth." I say.

"So I ask you... did my parents die in a fire or not?" I add.

"Yes, they did. Y/N, I'm sorry that man told you otherwise. I will make sure he die for that." Klaus says.

"Elijah.." I trail off.

Elijah did not respond; he simply sat down on the concrete platform and rested his face in his hand.

Klaus looks at him and Elijah shakes his head with shame. My heart started to race and my throat began to burn as I hold back my tears.

"I did it. I killed your parents." Kol says.

"Kol!" Rebekah protests.

"Enough Rebekah! We kept the truth from her long enough. She deserves to know the truth." Kol says.

"I am so sorry, Y/N. A witch cast a spell on me and I became crazed. I wanted to kill everything in sight and then I came across the bar and..." He trails off as he sees tears beginning to build up in my eyes.

"He was right," I say with disbelief.

I link my arms on top of my head and paced back and forth as I try to control my breathing. I pace

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask.

"Because you were just a baby vamp, we didn't know what you would do to others or to Kol. For god's sake, your name was Queen Ripper for the longest time! You were too unpredictable for us to tell you the truth." Rebekah says.

"You had no right to decide when I should know the truth! Queen Ripper may have been my name; and I was known for having a strong blood lust but not once was I known for being stupid. Why would have gone after Kol? Not only is he an Original, but he has five hundred years on me." I snap.

"Rage can be a very powerful thing, Y/B." Klaus says.

"You think I don't know that? I've watched as you tore apart those who betrayed you. It's actually makes you look like a hypocrite because you get so angry when someone else betrays you, get you do not hesitate to betray someone else, and for what? For your family? Was I ever considered family to you guys? Our was I just a pawn that you can use as you please?" I say.

"You are family, luv." He says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"No I am not! If I were family, then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now! You would have never lied to your family for years on end and never would have told them the truth until they pushed you into a corner. You never respected me or loved me. You are a bunch of sadistic assholes, and I'm don't with you." I say as I advance towards the door.

Elijah speeds in front of me and says:

"Y/N, please. Let me explain."

"There is nothing left to explain, Elijah! You lied to me for years! And never told me about what happened to my parents, even after you knew how much a cared about them! And you still didn't tell me the truth. You made me trust you and you made me fall in love with you and I hate you for that!" I say as I slam my hands on his chest, sending him into a concrete pillar.

My chest heaves with every one of my deep breathes and I say:

"I don't want to see any of you again. You are all dead to me."

"Y/N," Kol says, stepping towards me with tears stained cheeks.

"You killed the only family I had and then you lied about it. And for that, I will never forgive you. I will never forgive any of you for that." I say before speeding out of the Mikaelson compound.

I kept running until I am deep into the bayou. I lean most of my weight on the tree and clutch my chest as I began to cry. I grip my hair angrily and scream at the top of my lungs.

How could I have been so stupid as to trust then more than my family? I say to myself.

My chest shakes with every sob and my lungs burn from the lack of air getting to them. Tears steam down my face and I scream even louder. My scream echoes throughout the bayou and it even send birds flying out of their nests.

"They are so fucking sick!" I say as I kick a tree so hard that it cracked in two.

Anger started pumping in my veins and it slowly began taking over my conscious mind. I take the part of the tree and throw clear across the forest with an angered yell. I kicked and punching and tore apart as many trees as I could before my anger could even tap into my bloodlust. I slide down the tree and hold my face in my hands.

How could I have been so stupid?

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