Mourning (2/3)

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I was sitting down having a glass of wine with Rebecca, Hayley and Freya, until I felt a gaze burn into my face. I looked around and met eyes with Kai. I take a sip from my wine and he sends me a loving look. Then he mouthed 'I love you' and I mouthed 'I love you too.'

Third Person P.O.V:

Kai was sitting at the table with Marcel, Josh, Klaus and Elijah. They all follow his gaze towards Y/N and Josh asks:

"You really love her don't you?"

"More than anything in the world." Kai responds still looking at Y/N.

"I actually heard that she had that affect on people." Klaus said trying to get Kai worked up.

"Isn't that right, Marcel?" Klaus added.

Marcel nearly choked on his bourbon.

"I don't care to know about her previous relationships. She's my world, and none of you are going to change that."
Kai snapped.

Y/N stood from her spot on the couch and walked over there.

"Enough with the guy talk. Would one of you gentleman care to explain to me what it is I'm doing here?" She asks and she sits on Kai's lap.

"Lucien is the first person I turned. And as I thought that he was my friend, he was really plotting to become the first hybrid with the the venom of all six wolf packs that posses significant abilities. And unfortunately, his plan succeeded. And now he is after my family, and we need all of the help we could possibly get." Klaus explains.

"I would do anything to protect you guys." Y/N says.

As he continued to explain, Kai took Y/N's wine and drank it in one gulp.

"Man that's some good wine." Kai says.

Y/N snickers softly and Kai places a kiss on her shoulder. Making Y/N laugh is his favorite thing to do. The way her eyes sparkle, her teeth shines or how her lips would move into a perfect smile. After Kai comes back to reality, he hears Freya say:

"I need to harness an immortal with lots of power."

"Or in other words, you want to harness my vampiric magic."  Y/N clarifies.

"Yes. That's the first step to defeating Lucien. And his bite is deadly, he already killed Finn." Freya says sadly.

After a moment of silence, Y/N says:

"I'll do it."

"What? No." Kai says.

"Kai." Y/N says with seriousness in her voice.

She stands and drags him into another room.

"Why not?" She asks.

"No. This is too risky, Y/N. There are tons of things that could go wrong. Luchen--"

"Lucien." Y/N corrects.

"I don't care how it's pronounced. He could bite you and you could die. The spell could go wrong..." Kai proceeds.

"I trust Freya." Y/N defends.

"Well, I don't! You are too important to me for you to just throw your life on the line like you don't matter. Because you DO matter, Y/N. You make me feel alive. You showed me what love is. You make me a better person. And if you get hurt, if you die on me Y/N Y/L/N, I will loose my fucking mind. And I will most likely kill anyone who crosses my path."

Y/N grabs the sides of Kai's face and plants a kiss on his lips.

"Everything will be ok." She reassures.

"They wouldn't need powerful vampiric magic if everything was ok."

He makes a good point but Y/N still remains loyal to the Mikaelsons. They have had each other's back since the 1200's.

"I have to do this, Kai." She says.

"Fine. But I am watching her every move the second she casts a spell on you." Kai finalizes.


Kai was peering over Freya's shoulder as she continued to chant and harness Y/N's power.

"Do you mind?" Freya snaps.

"You dragged the love of my life into the mess and now you have her in a sleepy-beauty type state with a carving on her forehead. So uh, yes, I do mind." Kai snaps back.

She rolled her eyes and continued chanting.

Marcel, Elijah and Klaus were fighting Lucien, which ended in Marcel having his neck snapped and Elijah and Klaus having a piece of wooden fence in their hearts. Lucien ran into the compound and knocked Freya and Kai out.

"Ooh. She looks important." Lucien says while looking at Y/N.

"I will take that." He says while picking her up bridal style.

A couple minutes later Kai and Freya woke up. The first thing Kai notices was that Y/N was gone.

"Y/N? Where is Y/N?!" He screams as he vamp speeds.

He's checked around the whole Quarter and he didn't even catch a sniff of her. He ran back to the compound and start breaking things. He screamed in frustration as he tugs on the locks of his hair.

"Where. Is. She!" He screams.

Meanwhile in Y/N's P.O.V:

I jolt awake and I have no idea where I am. The last thing I remember before going under was telling Kai that everything was going to be ok. And now not him or Freya were anywhere in sight. I'm on a dark red, plush couch in some large loft.

"Well, hello." A snarky voice says.

I snap onto my feet and into fighting position.

He chuckles and says:

"There no use, sweetheart. I'm five times stronger than you are. And you seem important to everyone in that compound."

He slowly walks towards me and I back up. Once he came close enough, I threw a punch and he caught it with ease. He threw me over his shoulder and I land hard on my knee, popping it out of place. I groan in pain as I pop it back into place. Then he grabbed my forearm tightly, there was no way of me getting out of his grasp. He extract his fangs and I knew what was coming next.

"No! No! Please! Let me go!" I scream.

But he doesn't listen and he sunk his teeth into my forearm. I scream at the top of my lungs but it was too late. I could feel the venom weakening my body.

I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.....

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