Wolf Pack (4/5)

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"Well, well, well. Isn't it the famous Malachai Parker? The sociopathic son of a bitch that slaughtered half of my pack..." Barnes instigates.

He laughs dryly before he states:

"You have some nerve coming here. And for what? This whore—"

Before Barnes could even finish his sentence, Kai speeds over to him and grabs onto his throat as he says:

"I am not her, and I will not let you abuse me verbally or physically. I don't know why she is letting you do this to her, but she deserve better than a heartless jackass like you. She is stronger than you, she is the twice the man you will ever be. I don't know her, okay? I don't know her story, but what I know for sure is that she doesn't have to be stuck with you."

"Now, I'm going to take her away from you. And if you try to stop me, I will do way more than just kill half of this pack." He adds.

Kai throws Barnes across the room, knocking him unconscious. I roll onto my back and clutch my abdomen in pain.

"Y/N?" He asks.

"Kai, you can't be here. You.. you have to go. Leave! Before he wakes up and goes after you." I plead.

Kai lifts me into his lap and I yell out in pain. He places his hand on my forehead brushed a few strands of my hair away from my face.

"I'm not scared of him.. and neither should you." He whispers.

I shake my head and try to stand up, but Kai pushes me back down.

"I'm going to heal you, and it's going to hurt. So, try to stay keep the screaming to a minimum, okay?" He directs.

I release a slow sigh, signaling him to continue. He closes his eyes and starts mumbling something under his breath. I feel a sense of pressure in my chest, which soon spreads the rest of my body.

In the beginning, it was soothing, but then the bones in my hand crack into place. I inhale sharply at the feeling and arch my back from his lap. My shoulder pops back into place and I feel the open flesh mending together on my cheek.

My body lowers back onto his lap and close my eyes. The normal thumping of Kai's heart to soothe me to sleep.

Kai's P.O.V.:

Y/N goes unconscious on my lap and I still continue to brush her hair back. Chills rush down my spine as I gently trace her well defined jawline. A sigh of relief leaves my lips as I see her chest rise and fall at a normal pace.

I lift her into my arms and give Barnes one last glance before walking outside of the cabin. I mumble an isolation spell onto the cabin so no one could walk in and vice versa.

There was a crowd of werewolves around the entrance of the cabin. Some of them jump back at the sound of me opening the door.

My nose flares as I stare at them.

"You all are a bunch of cowards. You would just stand there and listened to him beating the crap out of her. What, do you get off on that or something? And here I thought I was the sadist." I vent.

"She.. s-she wouldn't let us intervene." A woman states.

"And? Just because she gives you an order, it doesn't mean you have to listen to it all the time." I say.

"That's exactly what he have to do. Despite what Barnes says, she is our Alpha. She doesn't use fear to lead us, nor does she need it. And even though we don't stand a chance against Barnes with his heightened abilities, we can try to stop you from taking her." The woman says.

I laugh dryly before saying:

"I'd love to see you try. I'm taking her far, far away from this toxic waste you call a pack." I say before walking off of the porch.

"W-why do you care anyway?" Another pack member asks.

I turn to look at the crowd and I pull Y/N closer to me. I inhale the faint scent of pine and earth. I release a slow breath before I mumble:

"I don't know."

And with that, I use my vamp speed to take her to Damon's house.

"Kai, what the hell?" Damon says as he sees Y/N in my arms.

I walk in before I say:

"She needs a place to crash until we find the witch."


I walk up the stairs with Y/N still in my arms. I lay her on my bed and pull up a chair next to her. I lean my elbows on my knees and laced my fingers together. I glance over at her before watching the sun rise.

Hours have passed until I hear Y/N's movement.

She groans as she turns on her side. She tucks her hands below her head and wiggles her hips to get comfortable.

A small smile tugs on my lips at her movements. She opens her eyes slightly as she lifts her head. She crinkles her nose as she lays her head back down.

"Wait a minute." I hear her say.

She abruptly stands from the bed and says:

"H-how am I here? What happened?"

She touched her face, where her cut used to be and scans the rest of her body.

"I healed you and brought you back here—"

"What! Why would you do that? I have to get back to the pack, like right now." She says as she walks to the door.

I close the door with my magic before she could leave. She turns around and says:

"What the hell, Kai?"

"Do you have any idea, what state you were in when I got there? He sliced your left cheek open, he dislocated your shoulder and he—"

"I've been through worse, okay?" She interrupts.

"I went into the cabin and threw him into a wall. I placed an isolation spell on the cabin while was unconscious. I could have killed him. Invincible or not, I could siphon the life right out of him, but I didn't. When your 'pack' tried to stop me from taking you, I could have killed them, but I didn't. I could—"

"You shouldn't have done that." She says to herself.

"What?" I say as I stand from the chair.

"I said you shouldn't have done that." She says louder.

"Why do you let him to that to you? You don't have kick his ass or anything, but you could at least defend yourself."

"It's a lot easier said than done, okay? You don't know my story, you don't know what I've been through to look out for the well-being of the pack. Pack before yourself, that's the rule that I was taught to abide by no matter what. That's the rule that my parents the died for. That's the rule that I will die for. That's the rule that I always repeat to myself when Barnes beats the crap out of me. Because being apart of a pack, puts me in situations that I don't like. But I have to suck it up, and I have to deal with them. So please let me go back to the pack, and let me deal with it." She rants.

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