Forbidden (3/4)

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Elijah carried me like a groom would his bride and took me deep into the woods.

"I have some disappointing news to tell you." He says.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"We can not tell Niklaus like we planned." He said as he set me down gently.

"What? Why?"

"He just called me and ranted about the witches' attack on the quarter. Now is
not the best time to tell him." He explain.

"That is what you said three times before, Elijah. When is there ever a right time with him? He's rarely in a good, accepting and/or forgiving mood." I snark.

"Which is precisely why we can't tell him," he says as he fixes his sleeve.

"Then when should we tell him?" I ask.

"We shouldn't," He says, making me spin around.

"You are unbelievably selfish, Elijah." I say.

"Please enlighten me on how I am selfish for wanting to protect you." He says as he rests his hands on the tree and the other on his hip.

"You're not protecting me. You're protecting yourself from Klaus' wrath. You're scared of being daggered again, aren't you?" I say.

"I am not afraid of an incessant dagger, and I am not afraid of Niklaus." He says abruptly as he steps closer to me.

"I am worried about what he is going to do to you. He's been in love with you since he saw you, and it was that love that made him turn  you. So that you and him would be together forever, not you and I. When he finds out that you and I have feelings for one another, he is going to think in the way of if I can't have you, no one can. And I don't want that for you." He says.

"You can't tell me what you want or don't want for me. I am my own person and I am an adult. Despite the fact that you are half a millennia older than me, you should still treat me as such. I am not afraid of what Klaus is going to do to me. If I die,  then I die. I don't care because at least I would have died for love." I say.

"You would have died for me and I could never forgive myself if that happened." He said.

"So you're scared of how you're going to feel if I die. I'm not afraid die,  Elijah. You know how old I am, I'm ready to die at any point in my life because I know that I lived my life to the fullest extent. I'm ready to take the ultimate risk for us, and I would ask if you were, but clearly you're not." I say.

"And you know what? That has always been your problem. You're too scared to take risks because you don't know where it would take you and whether or not your siblings approve of it. Me? I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm still taking the risk I believe is best for me. So I ask you Elijah, what do you think is best for you? Because it's clearly not me." I add before dashing away.

Third Person P.O.V.:

As seven o'clock finally approached, everyone gathered back into the Salvatore Mansion. Y/N kept to herself most of her time there, because she knew that if she talked to somebody, she would say something she would regret.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Alaric said to Bonnie and Y/N, when you come to think about it, is the best team up.

Alaric is a trained hunter, Bonnie is a powerful witch and Y/N is a 519 year old vampire with the fighting capabilities of an Original. They're pretty badass.

"More than ever," Y/N says.

"You sure, you don't seem-"

"I said I'm fine. Let's just go." Y/N intercepts as she takes off her jacket.

She glances at Elijah, who was looking at her with regret.

"Looks like something happened in paradise," Damon says to Stefan, earning a glare from Elijah.


Bonnie, Alaric and Y/N all stand in the junkyard as they wait to be noticed. They were serving as a distraction from the mass of travelers trying to save their leader, Julian. Once the travelers finally realize they were there, they tried to chant in unison; but Y/N interrupted as she snapped their necks.

Finally, something that I can tear apart. She thought to herself.

She may not be able to release her anger on Elijah and Klaus, but she can sure as hell can take it out on these parasites.

One traveler stabbed her in the chest with a rusty piece of metal. Y/N pulled it out with a groan before shoving that same piece of metal into their throat. They clutched their throat as blood seeped through their fingers.

Y/N then pushed them to ground and pulled their arms off of their body. They screamed out in pain and Alaric shot an arrow through their skull to end their misery.

Y/N's heart raced with excitement as she sped around and pull the limbs off of some travelers. Drops of blood started to soak her face and hands as she continued to kill. She sped across the junkyard and grabbed a traveler. She sank her teeth into the neck and pulled out their artery.

She did this to a few other travelers and when one three travelers tried to gang her, she drove a snap kick into the man's chest and impaled him on a tree branch. She broke out of his grasp and ripped out his throat with her fangs.

She hummed as she felt the warm blood trail down the neck. The remaining traveler who attempted to gang her, tried to run away. She sped in front of her and ripped her heart out of her chest. She squeezed the remaining blood out of the heart before continued to kill the mass of travelers. The screams of agony only magnified as she got the hang of terrorizing once again.

She jumped up on a guy and twisted his head off of his shoulders. She used the guy's head and threw it hard enough to fracture someone else's skull. She grabbed a woman and sucked up every drop of blood in her body. She sighed with satisfaction as she pulled away and the body fell to the ground.

Bonnie and Alaric watches with awe as Y/N continued to tear the travelers to pieces.

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