Sparring with the Kol Mikaelson

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It's been a month since Kol and you have broken up. You were holding it together pretty strong until Marcel gave me a you-dont-have-to-hide look and you bursted into tears. From then on, he has taken you under his wing.

He offered everything you could imagine but none made you feel better. None except the best emotional outlet..... Sparring. You were a vampire of 250 years, so you thought you had a fighting chance against his guys. So the next day, Marcel introduced you to the sparring crowd.

Most of them responded with multiple wolf whistles. One of them asked you

"What is a sexy thing like you, doing in a place like this?"

"With all honesty.... I wanna kick some ass."

The crowd laughed and the man said

"My kind of gal."

"I'm no one's 'kind of gal'" You snap back.

"Can you blame her? She's going through some rough stuff, and she needs an emotional outlet." Marcel says

"But are you sure you want to bring her here?" a voice said.

"Believe me, when I say, she can most definitely defend herself." He says and winks.

"Have fun."

"Will do." You say smirking.

Marcel leaves, so you say,

"Who wants to go first?" You say tauntingly.

Hours have passed and you have whooped half of the sparring crew's ass.

"I thought you guys were the tough crowd."

"Well you are a lot stronger than you look sweetheart." said the voice that called me sexy once before.

"You know what? You surely look like a worthy competitor.... Come up here." He does so and you realize that this man was absolutely gorgeous.

He has dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, dark pink lips with a light skin complexion and the smile of an angel. You bite your lip, making your attraction towards him known. He continues to smile but the he takes his shirt off. Oh, shit, there goes the ultimate distraction. You thought.

You snap back to reality and say "Ready for a round or two?

"Make it three." He challenges.

The bell dings and you move around the ring, he jabs you block. When you block, he swings you around so now your back is facing him and he bear hugs me. You break his grip, break his nose with your head, knife handed his groin and push him on the ground. He lands with a grunt and you look behind you to see blood running from his nose and the tear on the bridge of his nose.

He rolls on the floor holding crotch area.

"Oh, you will live. You are a vampire after all."

"Feisty as always, I see." Says a familiar British accent. The sound made your heart jump, but your heart jumped once more when Kol walked into the ring.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked the hot guy I just sparred.

"Nice recovery, mate. But I'm her..." he eyes you.

"Ex. I'm also the reason why she is here in the first place... unleashing her uncontrollable rage on you poor darlings. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"What the hell are you doing here, Kol!"

"Clearly these people are boring you. I wanted to give you the proper fight that you have been craving for. After all... I am the one you wish to hurt, is that correct?... Just as I hurt you."

As soon as he said that, you walked over and smacked him clear across the face. He laughs then says

"I take it I was correct." He licks away the blood and says

"Let's get on with it then."

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