Wolf Pack (3/5)

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I release a slow breathe before I say:

"Barnes' pack has a pack witch whom they made some deal. I don't know about it, nor do I care about it. All I care about is that she slaughtered half of my pack including my parents, and for that I will kill her. Her name is Sonya Atriva and she is a Colombian witch. She has a pendant, more like a family relic, that has bits of the Phoenix stone within it. With that, you can trace the Phoenix stone to her location. Once you do that, you can find her and make her lift the invincibility spell."

"You are oddly cooperative, I haven't met a werewolf this cooperative before." Damon states.

"Yeah, the last werewolf I had an encounter with, took a chunk out of my neck." Kai adds.

"Well I'm not like any other werewolves." I say as I stand from the chair.

"I better get going." I say before walking to the front door.

"I'll find you when we have her." Damon states.

I nod before running into the woods.

Third Person P.O.V.:

"She's hot." Kai says as he watches her run into the woods.

"Obviously." Damon adds.

** Y/N's P.O.V.:

The pack grew quiet as they see me approach them. Their eyes widen in fear for me. Within seconds, I am pulled into a cabin by Brad.

"Brad, what are you-?" I start.

"Shhh. He could hear you, we have to talk quietly." He whispers.

"What's going on?" I whisper.

"Barnes is more angry than I have ever seen him. He's infuriated with you for not letting him attack Kai. He says that he is going to beat you until you can barely move." He states.

My heart races the more he speaks. I gently grab onto his wrists as I stare into his dark green eyes.

"I can't.. I'm tired of seeing you getting hurt. That's it, I'm going to challenge him as Alpha." He says.

"No, are you crazy? He could kill you, he's invincible. At least, not yet anyway. But I have a plan." I say.

"I can't say it right now, but you have to trust me." I add.

"Y/N, I trust you with my life. But—"

"That's all you need to say. You need to let me go and let me take this beating, because there's a bigger picture here— a better picture. You just have to trust that I am looking out for this pack, okay?" I say.

His face droops with sadness and a single tear slides down his beautifully tanned face. I wipe it away and pull him in for a hug.

"I'll be okay, I promise." I say into his ear.

He pulls me closer and squeezes me tightly. I pull away and release a slow puff of air before I walk out of the cabin.

I nearly jump out of my skin when I Barnes yell:


He tightly grabs onto my bicep and drags me towards the cabin. Pain shoots from my arm and I yelp out in pain. I try to stop him from dragging me, which leads him to yank my shoulder out of place. I eventually comply and match his large strides.

Once we reach the cabin, he slams the door behind us. His dark brown eyes somehow got darker as he his hands curl into fists.

"Who do you think you are, huh? You think you can growl at me and make me submit to you?" He asks in a low and threatening voice.

"No, you don't understand—"

He presses my body against the wall and applies pressure to my throat, making it impossible for me to breathe.

"I'm.... looking out f-for the pack." I say in between breathes.

He squeezes my throat tighter with each one of his words.

"You don't get to make decisions about the pack; your opinion means nothing. You're nothing but my little bitch."

My lungs are screaming at the lack of oxygen in my body. My vision blurs as I try to loosen his grip on my throat. His grip shakes with anger as he lifts me further up the wall.

"Barnes, please." I strain.

My grip on his hands loosen as I feel myself loosing consciousness. Before I could completely go under, he lets go. I collapse to the floor on my hands and knees, holding onto my chest as I attempt to take in as many breathes as possible.

"What are you wearing?" He asks.


"Is that Kai's scent?" He interrupts.

I stand from the floor and place my hands on his chest.

"Barnes, it's not what you think. I have no relationship with Kai, I had nothing to do with him killing your pack. I swear, you have to believe me." I plead.

He gently grabs onto my hand and squeezes it until he feels the cracking of my joints. My body caves in with every crack and tears start to form in my eyes.

"You want to know what I believe?" He asks.

He lets go of my hand and I cradle broken hand in my arm. He pulls me so close that I can feel his breath fan across my face.

"I think you are a lying, cheating whore." He states.

He extracts his claws and slaps my across the face. The left side of my face stings as I collapse to the ground from the impact. Soon after, I feel a warm liquid trickle down my face and onto my chin. I try to lift my myself up from the ground, only to collapse back onto it. The head throbs and my hand shakes uncontrollably as it tries to heal.

"Y/N?" I hear a familiar, velvety voice say.

"Kai?" I say softly.

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