Independence (2/2)

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(Third Person's P.O.V.)
It has been five days since Kol and (Y/N) broke up, and they have been equally miserable. (Y/N) has been drinking most of her days and nights away at the Mystic Grill. While Kol, has become a quiet, dangerous ticking time bomb.

"Hey, hot stuff." Damon says as sits down next to Belmira at the bar.

"I'm not in the mood to flirt, Damon." She says before taking a swig of her bourbon.

Damon gasps before saying:

"You? Ever in a flirty mood? Since when?"

She rolls her eyes at his comment and he adds:

"I'm sorry. I just don't like seeing you so miserable, (Y/N/N)."

"You don't get to call me (Y/N/N). And why do you care? Has Elena finally got you to feel?" She snarks.

Damon takes away her bourbon and says:

"I think you've had enough,"

She chuckles wryly before saying;

"Isn't that ironic? You, Damon Salvatore, a drunk, tell me to stop drinking."

"I drink alcohol for more than trying to forget my life."

"Well good for you, I don't care." She says, trying to reach for her drink.

"What happened?"

She looks at him skeptically and he adds:

"Come on, tell me. It's not like I really care, I wanted something to keep me entertained."

"Screw you," She says, glaring at him.

That was, until she realized that she has nobody else to talk to. Bonnie and her aren't exactly close since she betrayed her. She had no one, she never did. She sighs deeply before saying:

"I had a relationship with Kol Mikaelson."

"And it was a good relationship, in every aspect. But I let myself doubt it and I destroyed it before it even begun. I broke his heart and mine." She adds.

"Really? You had a legitimate relationship with an Original?" He asks.


"And it was functional?"



"'Hm'? Why 'hm'?"

"Because you just made yourself more useful. Bonnie, Stefan, Elena and I have established a dinner at the Originals' mansion." He explains.

"Before you even think about asking me, I will or go with you."

"Even if it means to see your ex boyfriend again?"

"I said no, Damon."


"How the hell did I agree to this?" (Y/N) says as her, Damon and Bonnie pull into the driveway.

She steps out of the car and makes her way towards the door. Kol stopped when he was right in the middle of playing pool with Klaus. He could smell the floral perfume that he loved so damn much.

"(Y/N)," Kol says breathlessly.

"My darling brother, I do understand that you fell for the girl, but you have to let her go. She broke up with you because she doesn't trust you." Rebekah says.

"Shut it, Rebekah, she's here." Kol states before he rushes over the door.

He opens it and breath left his lungs once his gaze falls onto (Y/N).

TVD/ TO Imagines {CLOSED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें