Kai Parker

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I walk into the Salvatore's mansion and it was eerily quiet. I knew that Kai was alone in the mansion because he texted me saying so. Where was this dude?


My voice echoes throughout the house and yet, no response.


Still no response. So I did something that would get him out of hiding, but he would get really pissed.

"Malachai Parker! Get the hell out here!"

That was it. I was slammed into a wall and my wrists were pinned above my head. He lips brushed against my ear and he said

"You know that I hate that name."

"I know."

"Then why did you say it?" He says in a low and threatening voice.

"I have a better question. Why were you hiding in the first place?"


He releases my wrists and kissed my cheek.
I follow him into the dining room to reveal candles, herbs and a book full of spells.

"Oooo. What are you up to?"

"My revenge."

"Care to elaborate?"

"I am going to link Bonnie life's to Elena's. So the only way that Elena would wake up is if Bonnie dies. That way Damon has to choose on who lives and who dies. Either way everyone would hate him. Isn't it priceless?"

"It's something..... how is this going to work?"

"Well. My death will complete he spell--"

"WHAT!" I interrupted.

"Don't worry. I will drink Lily's blood. It will be an even exchange. I give her back her family of heretics and I get her blood."

"What happens when this is all finished?"

"We travel all around the world and be happy.... forever." He walks to me and holds my hands in his.

"I mean, think about it. Me, leader of the Gemini Coven, both vampire and witch. And you, vampire with the ability to manipulate fire, electricity and ice....."

Our foreheads touch and he continues "We will be unstoppable."

"This sounds all good and great.... but what about Bonnie. She's my best friend."

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I rest my hands on his neck.

"Sweetie. Friends come and go."

"So do most relationships."

"You keep one upping me, Y/N. And I will have to show you who's boss."

"Well, its obvious who's boss...."

I brush my lips against his and whisper


That was the last straw. He lifts me up bridal style and sets me on the couch.

**45 mins later**

He rolls off of me, hot and sweaty. My neck is sore from the love bites he left. My thighs are tingly from his hard grip on them. And my throat was sore from yelling his name too much.

"Who's the boss?" Kai asks breathlessly.

"Not you."

"Oh that's it."

Tries to pin me down but I get up and run around the house. I put on one of his shirts and form a fire aura around me so he couldn't physically touch me.

"Y/N. Come back here!"


I hide behind a corner and Kai comes behind me and presses against the wall gently.

"I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my soon-to-be-immortal life with you."

"Is the Malachai Parker making a commitment to someone?"

"It's not just someone. It's you."

He rubs his thumb across my cheek.

"Now let's seek revenge on that son of a bitch Damon."

"That's my girl."

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