Lying After All These Years (1/3)

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It's been a month since Elijah and I came back from Mystic Falls. We try to act like nothing happened but whenever either one of us enters a room, we cannot keep our eyes off of each other. It was just Elijah and I alone at the compound because Klaus and Kol were with Davina as try to locate Lucien. And I'm pretty sure that Rebekah was making out with Marcel. 

Since I knew what was about to happen, if i stayed, I decided to leave. Normally Elijah would have assured me that nothing was going to happen between us, but he knew that was untrue, so he let me leave.

I sit at the bar a couple of blocks from the Mikaelson Compound. I sigh and Camille approaches me.

"Rough day?" She asks.

"You could say that," I say.

"Could I have a lemonade, please?" I add.

She chuckled a little before she says:

"I'm sorry, it's just... you're at a bar and ordering something else besides alcohol. I can count how many times that happened on one hand."

"Well, believe me, alcohol cannot get me out of the situation. It'll actually make things worse." I say.

"How come?" Camille says as she places my lemonade in front of me.

"Because it weaken my will to not have sex with this one guy. A guy that I really like but cannot be with because if his brother finds out, bad things will happen to the both of us." I say before taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Damn, that sucks." She says.

"It really does."

"Well not really, because forbidden love only makes sex that much better." She says with a smile.

"It definitely is, which is the problem." I say.

"Well if you want to get over this forbidden love guy, there is this really cute guy on your eight o'clock who's had his eye on you since you walked in." She says.

I look over my shoulder to see that she was completely right. The guy really was cute. He had curly, dark brown hair with light green eyes and an amazingly pearl white smile. He had flawless caramel colored skin and from what I could see, there was a tattoo peeling over the collar of his shirt.

"Girl, go over there. Make yourself known." Cami says as she nudges me.

I grab my lemonade and make my way towards.

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," he greets, his voice really assertive and smooth.

"You mind if I sit down?" I say.

"No, not at all." He says motioning to the seat.

"So.. what's your name?" He adds.


As soon as I said my name, his body tenses up.

"Is there a problem?" I ask.

He doesn't respond and I notice that the size of his irises are fluctuating, which only means one thing; he was compelled.

"I was compelled to tell you what happened to your parents." He says.

"What do you mean? I already know what happened to my parents." I say.

"You don't know the actual truth as to what happened to your parents. Let me show you what I mean." He says before placing his hand on mine.

As soon as our hands touched, I felt a surge of energy enter my body.

I gasp sharply as I stand outside the bar of my home town. Nightfall already came and the crickets and frogs were singing their songs proudly.

A woman's shriek came out of the bar and I jump at the sound. The sound of screams and wood cracking only intensified. I advance toward the bar to see what the commotion was about, but my the time I reach it, the screams stopped.

Everything was silent, even the crickets and frogs. I stop in my place and used my hearing to locate where the threat was. The door of the bar was kicked open and I go into my fighting stance on instinct. But then I realized who the person was: Kol Mikaelson.

"Kol? What are you doing here?" I say, but he was moving and looking around like he didn't even hear a word I said.

Kol has three trails of blood coming out of mouth and the front of his shirt was drenched as well as his hands. He paced back and forth and started muttering to himself about something.

"Kol! What have you done?" Rebekah asks as she approaches him.

"I don't know.. I-" He trails off.

"We have to get you out of here." She says before speeding Kol away.

Then I am transported into a large cabin in the woods and I hear Elijah conversing with Klaus. I walk into the cabin and into the room with Elijah and Klaus.

"Amongst the people that Kol massacred were Y/N's parents." Elijah says as he sighs deeply.

"What?" Klaus says.

"They were celebrating someone's birthday and Y/N decided to go out with her other friends instead of going with them. But if Y/N was with her parents, Kol would have killed her too." Elijah says.

"I highly doubt it, Elijah. Kol knows that Y/N is off limits." Klaus states.

"You didn't see how he tore them apart. He didn't care if they were Y/N's family, Niklaus." Elijah explains.

Klaus looks at for seriously for a moment as he clenches his jaw.

"I'm going to kill him." Klaus says under his breath as he advances towards the door and right towards me.

I inhale sharply as his hazel eyes drill right into mine. He stopped right in his tracks and looked at me as if he can see right through me.

"Niklaus," Elijah says as he gets in between Klaus and door.

"I don't think he even knew who they were or what he was doing. It was almost as if..."

"He was under a spell." Klaus finishes.

"Time to go witch hunting." Klaus adds he leaves the room.

Elijah stands in the room by himself and said:

"Please forgive me, Y/N."

And with that, he left the room.

"I don't think I can." I say.

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