Kai & Kol Imagine Part Two

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I lean against the counter and say

"Ok. Spill."

"Spill what?" Kai says.

"You know what? It's not really a bad thing, but it's....different. You usually aren't that affectionate and... I just want to know what's up?"

"Well, of course it's the sky." He says with a grin.

"First of all, stop stealing my lines. Second of all, be serious. I want to know."

He walks towards me and presses his chest against mine, then he places one hand on each side of me to keep balance.

"There. Now I'm serious."

I give him a stern look and he sighs, moving my body backwards.

"I thought that I lost you. When they talked about Kol and what he has done to whole villages..... I didn't know what to think."

I raise an eyebrow and say

"Babe. I'm dating THE Malachai Parker. Why would I be scared to be around or to fight Kol?"

He chuckles and then bites his lip.

"You make a good point."

He looks at me with sincerity and says

"You know that I love you, right?"

My jaw hangs in awe, and he begins to laugh, causing you to do the same.

"Yea, I knew it... But I don't think that I would ever hear you say it."

"Well you did... so how do you feel about?"

In my response, I kiss him and our lips lock, then he runs his fingers through my hair. We were interrupted by Damon, with a disgusted look towards Kai, then he said

"Keep your paws off of her. She needs to answer some of our questions."

Kai parts from me and faces Damon to say

"Doesn't sounds like you are giving her much of a choice.."

"She doesn't have a choice in this matter."

"She will ALWAYS have a choice in a matter." Tired of hearing them bicker, I say

"Enough. I'll go with you. Just stop with the bickering."

They both look at me; Damon nods and then says

"Follow me."

I walk into the living room and Kai walks slyly behind me.

"What are your questions?" Caroline asks

"Since when did Kol have a thing for you?"

"Since he came here, I guess. He was here on behalf of Klaus and when he saw me at the Grill, he made his way over to me and stared to flirt."

"Did you flirt back?" Kai, Bonnie, Elena and Caroline say in unison.

Afterwards they look at each other like wtf.

"No I didn't flirt back. The fact that ignored him, made him even more intrigued."

I look over at Kai and he stares off in an angry way. Almost like he was imagining causing Kol pain, which was not a good thing, considering Kai's anger control in the past. Elena then asks

"Do you think that you could use that to your advantage?" I nod and she says

"Great. Then invite him over for dinner."

"Um... Ok."

On the inside I was my heart sank because I have this awful feeling that there is going to be a fight between Kai and Kol, and scares the crap out of me.

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