Damon's Therapist

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Y/N becomes Damon's 'person' (Grey's Anatomy Reference) after spending a night with him in the Mystic Falls

Sighing, I grab my coat and head out to the cab that the bartender called for me.

"Where do you think you're going, babydoll?" Damon says with his flirty smirk.

"Someplace where you're not." I spit before pushing passed him.

"Oh come on, sweetheart. What have I done to you?"

"You existed. And you've screwed over my sister over countless times." I snark.

"But I'd much rather screw you," He says.

I stop in my tracks and turn around to see Damon's eyes raking my body. I walk up to him and push him into the bar as I keep him there with my arm.

"That's never going to happen, Mister Salvatore. So I suggest you keep moving along and keep dreaming," I say.

The next thing I knew, I am outside and being shoved into the wall playfully.

"The last thing you should ever do, is provoke a drunk vampire." He says as he leans in to examine my facial features.

"When are you ever not drink, though?"

He trails his nose up my neck and gently nicked my jaw. He licked the drop of blood that was shed and hums.

"If your blood tastes this good, I can only imagine how you really taste." He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Are you really going to deny yourself of this much fun, (Y/N)?" He adds.

"If I agree to this, it's only going to be for sex. No strings attached." I say breathlessly as he leaves kisses down my neck.

"You don't have to tell me twice," he says with a chuckle.


Slowly shifting from my back to my stomach, my lower back cracks and I softly groan. As much as I really hate Damon for how he wronged literally everyone, he is really damn good in bed.

My hair falls onto my shoulders and I sigh deeply before falling back to sleep. That was, until I heard Damon say:

"You are a lot more beautiful than I thought, (Y/N)."

I nearly jump out of my skin with fear; instead, I stand from the bed and take one of the blankets with me.

"What are you still doing here?" I whisper.

"Basking in your beauty, of course." He says, fanning himself out underneath the covers.

"Okay, now what's the really reason."

"I don't want to go home. Not yet. I'm not ready to deal with Stefan's broodiness." He says with an eye roll.

"Well do you really have nowhere else to go besides here?"

"You didn't mind my company last night,"

"Yeah, most of the reason being that I was drunk." I say.

I hear a whoosh of air and the next thing I knew, I am underneath him as we both lay in bed. His warm pelvis begging for friction against my own.

"That can't be the only reason, is it?" He asks, his piercing baby blue eyes dilating.

"Damon, I thought that we agreed. No strings attached." I state.

"Right.. there are no strings.. I just wanted some breakfast before I left." He says.

He pulls the blanket up over his head and when I think he is going to take a bite into my thighs, his tongue swipes across my sensitive bud, making me jolt toward.

"I thought you were going to drink my blood," I moan out.

"I'll probably do some of that later," he says before resuming.


While I was in the middle of having a girls night with Bonnie, Caroline and Elena, I feel my phone vibrate. I glance down at my phone to see Damon text:
Can I come over? 😏

I sneak away into the bathroom and text:
Not right now, I have the girls over

D: Ooh, is that a fivesome I'm sensing?

Me: Ew, that's gross.

D: Don't knock it till you try it.

Me: Like I said, gross.

Me: Goodbye, Damon.

D: Wait, wait. WAIT.

Me: What?

D: What are you wearing? 😝

Me: You are such an ass

D: Oh but you love my ass, don't you, babe?

Me: Goodbye, Damon.

D: Bye, babe.


Grabbing my keys, I jog to the front door, already late to meet Matt and Bonnie at the Grill. I stop in my tracks when I see Damon standing outside of my door, his entire body soaking wet from the thunder and rain.

"Damon?" I say as I open the door.

"Damon, what are you doing out here?" I add.

He walks into the house without giving me a single look. I close the door and watch as he walks aimlessly into my room.

"Are you drunk?" I ask as he takes off his shirt and pants.

"No, I'm just.. struggling to not rip somebody's head off." He says, looking in my drawers for a shirt that he left the last time he was here.

"Okay, why? What happened with Elena?" I ask, accepting the fact that I am going to leave Bonnie and Matt hanging.

"What makes you think that this involves Elena?" He asks.

"Because you're madly in love with her even though she's with your brother. And I am just your distraction from her." I explain.

"No, you're not a distraction."

"Yeah, okay. That may work with your other side chicks or previous side chicks, but I am not that naive." I say.

"You're not a side chick," he says, caressing the side of my face with his thumb.

For a small moment, I almost believe him. But I fight if and pull away from his touch.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go meet Bonnie and Matt at the Grill. Your stash of blood is in the same spot and there's actual food in the frid-"

"I care about you, (Y/N)." He interrupts.

"Stop lying to yourself," I say, turning around to walk out my bedroom

Damon vamp speeds in front of me and closes the door. He pushes me into the all and pins me by the shoulders.

"Why is so hard for to accept that somebody cares about you?" He asks, his anger dripping from his voice.

"That's my own baggage that I don't want to talk about." I say.

"And you said no strings attached," I add, pushing him away.

"Yeah, well I lied." He says.

We gaze into each other's eyes and he slowly leans in. Our lips were about to meet when my phone rings. He lets go of me and I make my way to the phone.


"Hey, are you okay? It's storming pretty bad out." Bonnie says

"I didn't leave the house yet, something came up."

"It's okay, I understand. It's probably safest for you to stay home."

"Yeah, and you should stay with Matt until the storm passes."

"Okay, will do. Stay safe."

"You too." I say before hanging up.

I stare at my phone for a moment before turning around only to notice that Damon left. Sighing deeply, I sit on my bed; I hurt Damon when he needed me the most. I'm such a horrible non-girlfriend person.

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