Blackmailed (1/2)

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Elijah & Klaus blackmailed Y/N to save Hayley's life

"Y/N! It's good to see you, luv." Klaus exclaims as he walks into the room. "Elijah says that you guys needed my help." I say, taking a glass of whiskey that Elijah offered me. "Yes, and it may go against your morals, but it's important. It's the only way to save Hayley." Klaus says, his eyes piercing mine.

"What spell do you need me to do?- or better yet, what kind of magic do you need me to do?" I ask. "Sacrificial magic,"
"No, hell no. I'm not going to sacrifice innocent people for the wellbeing of others. One life shouldn't hold anymore value than yours and mine." I say, standing up from the table.

"Sit down, Y/N." Klaus commands. "Or what?" I challenge. He inhales sharply and walks closer to me. "You are going to do this spell or else I will go to Mystic Falls and bring you Bonnie's head on a platter." He threatens. "Hurt her and I will make sure that your life is a living hell." I threaten.

Klaus vamp speeds me into a wall as he wraps his hand around my throat. My head is on the verge of exploding from the lack of air. "Niklaus, how is she going to help us if she is dead." Elijah says. "Right now she's denying us of her arts. I'm planning to persuade her." Nik says.

"Klaus, let me talk to her." Elijah states.
"I'll make sure she helps. Release her." He adds. Klaus leans in close to my face to say, "If Hayley dies because of your selfishness. I will make your life a living hell." He lets me go and I fall to the ground, clutching my throat.

He vampire speeds away and Elijah kneels down next to me. He places a hand on my arms and push it away. "How dare you go along with this? Does Hayley have that much of an effect on you, that you would murder innocent people?" "These are desperate times, Y/N." "Why does it have to be me? There are plenty of other witches. It's Louisiana! Why does it have to be me to do this spell." I ask.

"We need you because you are strong, and smart, and you've always pulled through for us-" "With non-sacrificial magic," I interrupt. "This is another step. A step that I am not willing to take." "You know that if you leave right now. Nik will hunt you and your sister down." Elijah states.

"And will you let him?" I ask. He doesn't answer, all he does is stare at me. "Will you let him, Elijah?" I repeat. "I love her, Y/N." "You used to love me once. Did you remember that?" I say. "I'll do the spell, but this is the last thing that you Mikaelson would ever get from me. Especially after this," I add, pushing passed him.


"I'm sorry. I promise it will be quick." I say, tears swelling in my eyes as the innocent young men and women beg for their lives. "We have money. We'll pay you anything, just please don't kill us." They plead, making my heart wrench even more. "I'm sorry." I repeat. I bring my hands up and when I twist my wrist to make a fist, all of their necks were snapped.

I close my eyes and say an incantation that would transfer all twelve of their souls into an amulet that they want for Hayley so that they can prolong her inevitable death. And they called me selfish. When the candle burned out, it was a sign that the spell was complete.

Not wanting to stay in that horrid room any longer, I walk out of the room with the amulet in my hand. "It is done," I say coldly, tears still streaming down my cheeks. "Thank you, Y-" I slam the amulet into Klaus' chest. "I never want to see you or your family ever again. If you need a witch to do the spell, find someone else to fucking do it." I state. "I'm truly sorry. I never meant to jeopardize our friendship. I just-" "I don't want to hear anymore excuses!" I yell, making the windows shatter.

"You're all dead to me," I say before walking down the stairs only to be confronted by Elijah. "Y/N.." I meet his gaze to see that shame is plastered all over his face. "I have nothing to say to you. You're just as much of a monster as he is." I say, pushing passed him.

"Klaus, we need to talk." Marcel says as he enters the Mikaelson Compound. When he sees me, he stops in his tracks. "Whoa, what happened?" He says as he rubs my arms comfortingly. "Leave me alone," I say, pushing passed him too. "

"What happened?" I hear Marcel ask Elijah. From Elijah's lack of response, Marcel grew impatient and rubs after me. "Hey, no, an angry witch is a dangerous witch. What's going on?" He asks. "Why don't you ask them? They're your family after all, aren't they?" I snap.

"What did they make you do? Talk to me, Y/N. Please. You know that I care about you. I would never do anything to hurt you." He states. "That's exactly what Elijah used to tell me. And now look where we are." I say. I hear a whoosh of air and then next thing I know, I'm in Marcel's apartment.

"What point of leave me alone, do you not seem to understand?" "Because I see right through that. Being alone is the last thing you need." Marcel says. When I try to make a run for the door, he vamp speeds in front of me and holds me by my arms.

"Let me go, Marcel!" I exclaim, making the ground shake and cars go off. "No," he says calmly. All the anger that was once in my body, has left. "I k.. I had to kill twelve people for a spell to save Hayley." I whimper. "I murdered twelve people. I never hurt a fly, how could I.. h-how.." i add. Marcel pulls me into his chest and holds me as I cry loudly into him.

"He threatened to kill Bonnie. I h- I didn't have a choice." I croak. "I am such a horrible person, aren't I?" I add. He shushes me as he strokes my hair. "No, you're just a woman who would sacrifice anything for their family. Like everyone else." He explains. "You're just blessed with having a conscious to pull you back from the edge,"

"I'd hardly call this a blessing," "Believe me when I say that it is."

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