The Returning (1/2)

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Y/N comes back to Mystic Falls after six months because of Elijah

It's been six months since I followed Mason's advice and left Mystic Falls. I have to say, things are a lot less stressful and somewhat normal than before. I work as a financial director for a university here in Vermont. I go hiking with coworkers every weekend and I picked up a new hobby of yoga. Things are going good, not as good as I was with Mason, but good enough for me.

I walk out of the University doors with a sigh as I make my way to my car. I feel as if someone was following me, so I stop walking and turn around.

"I'm warning you. I am the last person you want to mess with." I call out.

When no one comes out, I walk back to my car. I look into my rear view mirror and see no one. I turn on the car and there still was no one. I know that there is someone lurking about, so going home isn't the best idea.

Instead, I pull up into a diner and order some coffee. I feel my phone buzz and pull it out to take a look. Realizing that someone commented on my Instagram post, I place my phone down on the table.

I yell out in surprise and accidentally shatter a light bulb when I see a figure sitting right in front of me. He was not there before. I study his features and realize who it was.


"Hello there, (Y/N)." He says with a charming smile.


Elijah fills me in on the fact that he was recently awaken from his dagger sleep. It has only been a few days and his mother wants to kill him and his siblings. He wants me to interfere with Bonnie and Mom's link to empower his mother.

The question isn't if I'm strong enough, it's if I have the will to go back to Mystic Falls.

"Elijah, I don't you to die. Especially at the hands of your own mother. But I don't know if I have what it takes to go back to the town I spent so much effort to get away from." I explain, pouring myself some tea.

"Tea?" I offer.

"That would be great,"

"And I understand your point, but I am here out of courtesy. I didn't want to bother you, so I lied about you existing for your protection. But Niklaus remembered that Bonnie had a stronger, purer sister." He explains.

"Truth is, if you don't come back with me, they will send someone less polite and understanding than me. Please, (Y/N). For your sake, not mine." He adds as I give him a glass of tea.

I scan his face and see desperation. A lot must have happened in the first few days that he has been awake.

"Three days max," I say before making my way into my room.

I pack in under thirty minutes and the next thing I knew, we were on the road.

"Interesting state, Vermont." He says after a few moments of silence.

"That it is. Have you ever been?" I ask.

"I cannot say I have. I tend to travel by countries, not states." He says.

I notice that he has a tight grip on the steering wheel and his jaw is clenched.

"What happened since you woke up, Elijah?" I ask.

He slowly licks his lips before saying:

"I learned that my mother wants to kill me and my siblings. And the one friend that I thought I had, lied to me and got all of my siblings linked together. So if one dies, we all die."

"It seems like a lot has changed," I say.

"A lot has changed," He states.

"What happened with you while I had a dagger in my chest," he adds.

"Well.. Mason came back from the dead. All of our loved ones that died came back from the dead; but it was only for one day. And in that one day, Mason managed to convince me that I had to leave Mystic Falls because all it brought me was pain and anger." I explain.

"But I just wanted you to know what has not changed." I add.

"And what's that?"

"How much I still care about you." I say, making him look away from the road for a split second.

"The only reason I agreed was because your life hung in the balance. I can hold my own if your other siblings were to pay me a visit." I add.

"Truth be told, I know you could. I just wanted an excuse to see you." He says with a smile.

"Elijah, noble and considerate and kind. That's why you were my favorite Original." I say, glancing at the hand that was not on the steering wheel.

I place my hand into his and he squeezes it. He sighs with content and caresses the back of my hand before pressing a kiss on it.

"Thank you," he says as he rests our interlinked hands on top of the center console.


Elijah and I get out of the car and when I move to get my bags from the trunk, Elijah takes them from me immediately.

"A lady should never carry her own bags," he says.

"And they say chivalry is dead," I say with a smile.

"I consider it my duty to uphold chivalry so it is not dead," he says.

We both walk into the mansion and Nik is the first to greet me.

"(Y/N)! It is such a pleasure to see you again." He says before approaching me and kissing my cheek softly.

These Mikaelsons and their kissing.

"Well I'm afraid to say that the pleasure is all yours." I say teasingly.

"I missed you too, luv." He says with a wink.

Rebekah merely gave me a small smile before walking away.

"Dead Lord, Elijah, you said that she was a witch. Not a witch model." A young man chirps.

"Kol," Elijah says with a sigh.

"Hello, darling, I'm Kol Mikaelson." He says, taking my hand and place a lingering kiss on the back of it.

"And you are?" He adds, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"First name Not, last name Interested." I say.

He chuckles softly and says:

"Don't worry, love. I like pretty little things with sharp tongues."

He moves to caress my cheek, and I grab his hand and use my telekinesis to throw him across the room. Kol vamp speeds in front of me and growls as black veins crawl under his eyes.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." I taunt as make a ball of flame in my hands.

Locking eyes with Kol, I add:

"Elijah, would you mind showing me to my room?"


"Thanks," I say before following him out of the living room.

"I don't think it was a wise idea to do that to Kol," Elijah says as he closes my bedroom door behind him.

He sets the bag on the bed and turns around to face me as I say:

"Well, Kol needed to know that not just any man can touch me. That has be earned."

"Like you did," I add.

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