Katrina's Funeral

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Everyone walked into the church where Y/N's coffin was. They all sat down and the first couple of minutes were silent before the Priest asked if anyone had anything they would like to say. Klaus was the first one to stand. He walks up to the podium and says:

"I first met Y/N in Europe. She was the daughter of a merchant, therefore middle class. And she had such self confidence and a level head about life for someone her age. She was twenty-two and she knew more about life than forty year old. And when the time came, I turned her into a vampire. But it wasn't out of greed; it was out of love. Because she had such a lively soul that deserved to be given a chance to live, without being pinned down by the ropes of society.... I truly love her, and I'll never stop loving her."

Marcel went up next:

"Y/N was my first love. I know some of you may think that she dated every guy she met, but no. She was such a lovable person. She was so compassionate and understanding. She was like my beckon of light in a sea of dark. She showed what it was to be a happy, functional vampire. She didn't need to flirt with anyone to make them fall for her. She just had that charm..... and out all of the things that made Y/N Y/L/N great, it's her charm that I'm going to miss the most....."


"Y/N always saw the bright side of things. She was so optimistic and enthusiastic at the right time. Never was she wrong to do anything. Because whatever she did, she did it out of the kindness of her heart. I remember once when Niklaus was having one of his episodes and she tries cheering him up. I warned her about him being snappy. She still walked into his room and she just sat their listening to him rant. And she said something that actually made me and Niklaus laugh. She called the man, a naive imbecile with a British accent. It was the most cutest thing I have ever heard...."

Klaus both chuckles and sobbed as he too recalled that memory.


"She was my best friend and she still is. She never judged me about my temperance or my massacre episodes. But when she wanted to voice her opinion, she did it. She kept me in line and she informed on how woman like to be treated, and how they love kisses that are placed on the back of the hand. She taught me what it was like to actually relax and put life on pause for short moments. All of the heart warming memories I have, all involve her. And she made the best wing woman known to man. I don't know how I'm going to do without her...."


"Y/N was my second sister. She always took my side against my brothers whenever it came to my horrible choice of men. She traded fashion advice as I did with her. She taught me things about love, that I never knew before. She was a 100% supporter of women needing to stick together no matter what. She was the longest friend I had and the only friend that I didn't annoy or drive away. She taught what it was like to be free. She is my idol and there is nothing that can change that...."

Kai was the last one to speak:

"I fell madly in love with Y/N when we were back in Mystic Falls. Everyone saw me as the sociopathic monster that killed half his family. I am the black sheep, not only to my family.... but to society. She didn't see me as a black sheep or a monster. She saw me as the man who has never felt what it is like to love or be loved. And she took it upon herself to show me that, and she willing to do whatever it took. At first I was skeptical, and I didn't really trust her, but what completely changed my life was when she baked me a cake and bought me ten presents on my birthday. I never had anyone do that for me before. And I really appreciated it, so much that I baked her a cake and bought her twenty presents on her birthday....... her positivity and her drive as well as her passion and kindness is what drew me in. Y/N was the whole package, she was perfect. She was a dame that would never go unnoticed. She made me a better man and she accomplished her mission; little did she know that we would fall for each other in process. She taught me what it was like to feel alive, what it was like to love and to be loved and it felt amazing. She made me feel amazing, she was my soulmate, and I have no idea how I'm going to function without her....."

His speech was interrupted when the doors of the church flew open. There stood Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Jermey, Elena, Caroline, Jo and Alaric. They all sucked into a breath as they came to realize the rumor they heard was true.

"What are you doing here?" Kai asked, getting defensive.

"I called them." Klaus responds.

"No,no, no." Damon says as he saw Y/N grey face.

He sped over to her and caresses her cheekbone with his thumb. Tears escaped his eyes and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Jo hesitantly approached Kai and asked:

"Are you ok?"

He looked down at the floor and said:

"I fell in love with a woman who made me feel genuinely happy; and now she's gone...."

**Time skip like 10 years**

Kai laid purple flowers in front of Y/N's grave.

"Happy 14th Year Anniversary, my love." He says.

"It's been ten years and I still miss you like crazy. Some nights I feel like a can't breathe or function because you aren't by my side. I've had some rough patches but Kol has helped with that. He is the only who knows what it's like to be judged and isolated for being what you are. But he isn't you, no one can ever be you--"

"You come here too, huh?" Kol interrupts.

"Even in a grave she a better at listening than my siblings." Kol added.

Kai traced her name on the cold stone and asked:

"Will this feeling ever go away?....."

"This..... dark hole of emptiness where my heart used to be?" He adds.

"I'm afraid not, mate." Kol responds.

Kol placed red roses in front of her grave, pat Kai on the shoulder, and left.

Since that day, no one saw Kai again. It's almost like he dropped of the face of the Earth.....

A/N: Sorry this is a little dark and sad. But this idea has been in my mind since forever and I needed to write it down.

But how did you guys like it?

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