Drinking with the Originals

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My younger sister wanted to go into the bar but I told her to go in while I went to fetch me a snack. I found a young muscular man to sink my teeth into. I compel him and say:

"Stand still and don't scream."

He nods and complies. I sink my teeth into his carotid artery.

Meanwhile, her sister was in the bar, drinking shots of tequila. A man that was clearly drink sat next to her and said:

"Hey, pretty lady. Wanna come back to my place?"

"In your dreams, loser." She snaps.

"I like pretty little things with sharp tongues." He says caress her cheek with the back of his fingers.

She sharply turns away and slaps him across the face. He rubbed the area where she slapped him and said:

"You bitch!"

He grabbed her wrist so hard that she was sure to have a bruise on it. Then he raise his hand and slapped her. She collapsed onto the floor, he stepped towards her and wind his arm back. I heard the slap from the alleyway and I came rushing in. I grabbed his arm bent it up arm at an angle that was not in anyway comfortable. I grabbed the back of his head and slammed it against the bar table. Every glass jumped up slightly.

"Who do you think you are? Did you really think that slapping a woman around is acceptable? Clearly, you haven't met a woman like me. Apologize to my little sister, now."

I kept his arm bend uncomfortably and put him on his knees. He faced my sister and said:

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you."

I look to my sister and she nods okay. I let go of his arm and push him onto the floor. He growls and stands up to meet my face level. I adjust my posture to appear taller and ask:

"Do you want to take this outside?"

Once he realized that I wasn't backing down; he avoided eye contact and walked out of the bar. Everyone in the bar clapped and I bowed before sitting down next to my sister.

"You ok?" I ask.

She nods and I rubbed her cheek and she winced at the slightly touch. I say:

"That son of a bitch."

"It's ok. It's never going to be as bad as Dad's slaps."

I smile weakly at her and memories from before flooded to my brain. I was interrupted when a man cleared his throat in front of me. My eyes snap to his and it was the bartender. Once he got my attention he says pushing a drink towards me:

"This was bought for you by that man over there."

He nudged his head to the direction of an attractive man with dark brown hair and adorable dark brown eyes. His lips curled to a smirk as he rose his glass to me. I gave him my mischievous smirk and he returned it. He seems fun. I took a sip of the drink it was fruity and sweet; I liked it. My eyes locked with the man's and he gestured me to come over. I walk over there with my drink.

"Hello, darling." He says.

"Hi. Thanks for the drink. It's very fruity. I like it."



"Well you can't possible like it as much as I like you."

"Like me? You just met me, handsome."

"The way you slammed that man down on the table was the biggest turn on. I don't think I've met anyone as sexy as you are."

"Perhaps yourself."

"Ooh. Attractive and charismatic."

I cross my legs and run my middle finger along the rim of my glass. Everyone now and then I look at my sister. Currently, she was talking to a man with dark blonde hair and light green eyes. He had dimples to die for and his attention was 100% towards my sister. I put a strand of hair behind my ear to listen into the conversation.

"Your sister is quite protective of you, I assume." He says smile at her.

He has a British accent just as the man I was speaking to.

"Yes. Hopefully she doesn't scare you off." She says chuckling nervously.

He laughs and says:

"I'm Klaus Mikaelson. I'm scared of no one."

I was snapped out of my eavesdropping session by Kol soft hand on my face. He directs my attention back to him and says:

"It's impolite to eavesdrop, love."

"It's not impolite when it involves my sister."

He chuckles and stares deeply into my eyes. For a moment, I get lost in them. He leaned forwards and I close my eyes waiting for his soft lips on mine. Instead, I feel his lips pressing softly against my neck. I hum and run my fingers through his hair.

"What's your game?" I say breathlessly.

"To win you over."

"You didn't quite do that yet."

"True. But I'm getting there aren't I?"

I push him away and get up from my chair.

"Not a chance."
I say flipping my hair over my shoulder.

I turn and walk back to my sister. Kol's eyes drill into my back as I walk away from him.
I sit next to Y/S/N, my sister. I glance over to Kol which is giving me a devilish smirk. I tap my ear and I whisper:

"Come and get me."

I run out and Kol was right behind me.

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