Kidnapped by the Originals (2/2)

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"Nice house you got there," I say as he pulls up into his driveway.

"Thanks, darling. Dare to know what it's like on the inside?" He asks.

"Mmm, I'm debating." I say.

"Well then let me persuade you otherwise," he says before leaning over the center console of the car.

He leans forwards and presses a soft kiss on my lips. He breathes out slowly as he takes my bottom lip between his lips. I lean back into the chair and he follows me into it. My hands find their way to his jawline and his find their way onto my thighs.

"Consider my persuaded," I say as we pull away.

He walks out of car and vamp speeds to my side of the car. He opens the door and he scoops me up like a groom would his bride. He leans in and presses a longer kiss on my lips. He walks to the front door and holds me effortlessly with one arm. He opens the door and kicks it closed.

"Well, well, well. I was about to head out to look for you, brother." Another British man says, making me pull away from Kol's lips abruptly.

"I had some persuading to do, Nik." Kol says as I jump out of his arms.

"What? This was all some ruse? For what?" I ask.

"For leverage," a woman says.

"Damn it, (Y/N)." I say myself.

I glance around the house and from the lack of visibility, it confirms that I am too drunk to do anything.

"Told you guys it wouldn't be too hard. Women these days can't resist a man with an accent." Kol says.

I turn around and send him a glare. He sends me a wink and anger starts to boil under my skin.

"You ass," I say as I slowly make a fist with my hands, snapping Kol's neck effortlessly.

I run for the door only to be stopped by a pretty, blonde haired woman. I make an x with my arms and break it, sending a wave of magic to push away those were in close range of me. Only then do I make a run for the door. Just when I was about to say a transportation spell, I feel a strong arm around my neck. Black wisps cloud my vision as the air is no longer reaching my lungs.

"Phesmatos..." was all I could get out before falling unconscious.


My eyes flutter open and when I realized where I was, I abruptly stand up from the couch. I glance around to find no one, but I know better than to think that there truly isn't anyone in the house. I break off a leg from the chair and softly tip toe towards the door.

A hear a whoosh of air and I turn around to see who it was. When I don't see anyone, I look back to the door to see Kol alive and well.

"And where do you think you are going, darling?" He asks.

"Out of here," I say as I try to stab him with the wooden chair leg.

He grabs my wrist and twists until I give, and the wooden leg falls to the ground.

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen, luv." He says before lifting me off of the ground by my neck.

"How did it make you feel when you snapped my neck, hm? Content? Happy? Relieved?" He adds.

"Well this is how it made me feel," He states before grabbing my arm and snapping it two.

A shriek of pain leaves my lips as he lets go of my neck.

"You son of a bitch," I groan.

"You shouldn't be speaking about your mother that way, luv. It's disrespectful," He says before walking away from me.

"Was that really necessary, brother?" A man says.

His figure remains fuzzy from my lack of focus but from what I hear, the man sounds older and more proper.

"What? She snapped my neck. I hate it when people do that." Kol defends.

"Like you haven't had your neck snapped by me or any of your other siblings." The man states sarcastically.

I collapse the ground and clutch my broken arm.

"Give her some of your blood if you feel so bad for her," Kol says.

"N-no," I manage to croak out.

"I don't need anything from you people," I add.

A shudder leaves my lips before I scan the room for any large, square pieces of fabric the living room to make a sling out of. Once I find it, I take the silk fabric and fold it diagonally. I cross the edges of the fabric and tie the ends with my teeth before I put out behind my neck. I count to three inside of my head before setting my broken arm back into place. I then place the arm in the sling and sigh with annoyance.

"Well someone is more of a warrior than I thought she was," Kol says.

"What exactly do you guys want from me?" I ask as I sit on the couch.

"We want the Bennett's family grimoire." Another man says as he walks into the room.

"Jesus, is this family strictly testosterone?" I ask, making them laugh.

"Well you didn't mind my testosterone last night," Kol says.

"Even is snapping your neck again would cost me my other arm, it would be totally worth it." I threaten as we lock eyes across the room.

He speeds over to me and applies pressure on my broken arm.

"You sure about that, darling?" He whispers into my ear.

I try not to groan out in pain, so instead I moan out.

"Get off of me," I state before locking eyes with him and giving him a skull splitting migraine.

He growls and veins appear under his eyes. He has his hand wrapped around my neck, and I could tell that he was about to kill me. That was until, the older sibling snapped Kol's neck and threw him across the room.

"I told you that sending Kol was a bad idea, Niklaus." The older siblings says.

I hear another whoosh and I look to my side to finally see a blonde haired woman. She sighs as she says:

"Welcome to my world, darling."

"As for the grimoire, I have no idea where it is. Bonnie and I aren't on the best of terms considering what happened with Grams and our mother." I say.

"So... you're useless then?" Klaus says.

"Barely. You need a Bennett witch to successfully conduct a spell from the book. And from what you already know and experienced, I am a stronger witch than Bonnie." I explain.

"And in order for us to do that, we need the actual grimoire." The older sibling says.

"I can get it for you. It shouldn't be too hard, it's Bonnie after all." I state.

"Why? Why would you betray your family for complete strangers?"

"I'd hardly say that Bonnie and I are family. Related, yes, but not family." I state.

"And the only person that I can count on is myself. So, when do I start?" I add.

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