Damon's Therapist Cont. -Requested-

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A/N: @AnitaKpogo: I saw your comment and I figured why not make a part two to this.  🤷🏾‍♀️

Rushing out of the house without a coat on, I put my car into drive and rush down the highway. I have to find Damon. I know better than to let Damon roam around when he's feeling the itch of homicide boiling under his skin.

I have to find him and I don't know who to call. Elena is the reason why he's homicidal in the first place. Everyone else hates him or tolerates him. So I'm on my own for this one.

I drive to the Mystic Grill and checked to see if Matt had seen Damon and he didn't. I've checked in countless other places and just when I was about to call Stefan, I see Damon at the top of the town's tower.

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth and I walk up to the tower. My clothes were sticking to my body but I continued to stand in the rain anyway. "Damon, I know you can hear me." He looks down at me and I add, "Why did you leave?" He shrugs and I say, "Come down, please." "Why should I?" He yells.

"I just wanted to talk," I yell back up. He looks around before jumping down and landing perfectly fine. I've always wondered what it was like being a vampire, but I liked my human life. "You don't know what you're really worth, do you?" He towers over me and I say, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"See, that's the problem." He says, walking me against a tree. "No one has ever told you what you mean to them—what you mean to me." He adds as he caresses my cheek with the back of his hand.

"What could I possibly mean to you, Damon. I'm a human and you're a vampire." "You're pretty badass for a human. You learn things fast. And you're smart." "Damon, I.. I don't know what to do anymore, okay. I don't— there's no handbook on what to do if you fall in love with a vampire." I ramble.

"So you admit it? You're in love with me." His baby blue eyes dilate as he completely corners me against the tree. "Y-yes," "Come on," He says as he picks me up for a piggy back ride. He vampire speeds through the woods and I ask, "Where are we going?"

"My favorite place," A few moments later and we are at a small waterfall. The moon bounces off of the waves of the water hole and the rain becomes a drizzle. I smell the strong scent of Earth as water's mist kissed my cheeks. "It's beautiful," I say as I touch a tear drop shaped leaf.

Damon pulls my hair over my shoulder and kisses my neck gently. "You ever think about leaving Mystic Falls? Maybe even change your name." He asks. "What, like a spy?" "Exactly like a spy," he says with a chuckle.

"But what about Bonnie?" "She can take care of herself. Let yourself live for once, Y/N." "And say if I were to say yes, where we go?" "Anywhere you want," "Romania?" "This has nothing to do with your crush on Sebastian Stab, does it?" "Who?" I tease.

I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. "You best start packing, madam." "Ew, don't call me madam. It makes me sound like an old lady." He responds by kissing me and pushing me into the tree. All of the water that was collecting on the leaves, soaked on us.

"Damon!" I say while laughing. I look around to find him taking off his clothes at the edge of the waterhole. "Damon, what are you doing?" "What? We're already soaking wet anyway. We might as well skinny dip." He says. "Why not?" I find myself taking off my clothes and saying, "Okay,"

"Okay what?" "I'll leave Mystic Falls with you," "We leave tomorrow night," He kisses me before pulling me into the water with him.

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