My Abusive Boyfriend Part Two

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"Oh my God." Kai says, eyes widened and his hand covering his mouth.

"What have I done?" He steps towards me, trying to touch me. I wince back,

"Don't touch me." I whimper.

"I can fix this please--." Once I notice that he was walking towards me persistently.

I scream "No."

Smacking hand away and pushing him far away from me, which sent him flying onto my bed. He was just as shocked as I was about my strength. I kept my weight on my left side, because my right knee cap was definitely shattered.

"I need to you sit down, shut up and listen." He obediently does what I ask and I begin to rant.

"You broke me... I trusted you, I told you everything; my childhood, my life.... my father." My voice began to crack and pools of tears began to escape my eyes.

"You knew what he did to me and you promised me that you would never hurt me like he did.... And you lied! I could have died, Kai. But I don't think that you care, do you? You are just like my father: you are condescending, manipulative bastard with anger issues. And you enjoy power, lots of it. Well, guess what? You win. I surrender."

He stands and tries to walk over to me but I wince, so he stops. I looked a little closer to his face to notice that he was crying as well. His eyes looked pitiful and scared;

"I'm so sorry, ba--"

"I am not your babe! Or you baby! Or anything! We are over! I am never going to trust you again!"

He sits back down and holds his head in his hands and cries.

"I'm going to call Kol to come pick me up." I say weakly as I slowly limp passed him to get to my phone.

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