How you meet Jace

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Uhhhhhh today we have to meet with the shadowhunters. Raphael has just been made our clan leader (eventually) and the clave wants to talk to him about it. Our clan has a bad record of leader aka Camille and Maureen (Book readers know). Its made the clave slightly concerned so they want a meeting to make sure he isn't going to turn mundanes or attack random people. It wouldn't really affect me but he's decided to make me his second in command. Its an honour and when he told me I was super grateful even though I knew I would have to take on new and important responsibilities but shadowhunters are annoying as hell. They called Raphael and me in (since im second in command so apparently they want to know what im like as well) and now we are waiting in the sanctuary for the new leader of the institute, Alec Lightwood.

Within 15 minutes a tall raven haired man, a serious looking girl and a muscular blonde shadowhunter appear.

"Im Alec, sorry to keep you waiting," the tall one said. "We had to waiting for Lydia Branwell to show up." The girl shook Raphael's hand and told us,

"Im the envoy from the clave. They wanted to be present." What she means is she the clave wanted a loyal spy because they didn't trust the leader. Lydia shook my hand but was looking at Raphael the whole time.

"Who's the blonde?" I ask, curious to the random dude with his hand on his blade. Rude.

"That is Jace Herondale. I told you about him once." Raphael said coldly. I knew it was because he came into the hotel Dumort and killed some of our vamps and destroyed our bikes. I was away when it happened. I just rolled my eyes while Jace just nodded.

Through out the whole meeting Jace was just staring at me. I was just kind of their as a formality. They didn't ask me anything so I just listened. At one point they asked Raphael what he was planning to do to fix the clan and make sure it doesn't go evil and I just had to say something but I didn't want them to know so I said in Spanish "Oh, lo sé. Todos podemos sentarnos en un círculo y hablar sobre nuestras opiniones y sentimientos. Sobre todo sobre lo estúpido que son los cazadores de sombras." (Oh I know. we can all sit in a circle and talk about our opinions and feelings.

mostly about how stupid the little shadow hunters are.)

Raphael chuckled and said "Ahora, ahora pequeño. Los cazadores de sombras no son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para entender sus insultos." (now, now little one. the shadowhunters are not smart enough to understand your insults.)

"Ese es el punto."(that's the point) Raph just laughed as Lydia scowled and said.

"What are you two saying? If she can't speak English you should of said so we could get a translator." Oh no. She did not.

"Well that would just be a waste of resources," Lydia jumped a little when I said that. "but I can translate what we said if you want?" Alec nodded. "I was just saying how we will talk to the clan and make them understand that hating shadowhunters is stupid. We will also make sure that we have a plentiful supply of the best blood so they wont need to drink from mundies."

I smiled fakely as I heard Raphael mutter under his breath "only you"

"Oh. Thats um, quite smart." Lydia sounded surprised.

"I try." My phone dinged and I frowned when I checked it, "Raphael I gotta go. One of the newer vamps are freaking out about their family or something."

"Which one?" Raphael was instantly concerned. That would probably help...Maybe?

"David. Im going to make sure he doesn't go find them. Sorry Bye" I called the last part over my should as I sped away. Jace didn't take his eyes off me the whole time. I couldn't get him off my mind the whole night.

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