Requested-Magnus*Height Issue's

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6. "Your heights getting the best of you again"

You had just woken up and noticed Magnus was still asleep. 'This is new' you thought since he was nearly always up before you. He would have to wake you up for work and it took him ages to do so. Last night he had gotten home late from a client. He was trying to help a newly turned werewolf who had severely injured himself and another mundane. He didn't get back till midnight and was absolutely shattered.

You took this opportunity to do something nice and sweet for him since he was so tired. You unwrapped his arm from your waist and slowly crept out of bed, as to not wake him. Once you got out of his iron grip you quietly went over to the door and opened it, carefully so it doesn't creak. After you got out you went to kitchen to get started.

You got to the kitchen and got the eggs, bacon and a few more things out. You made a fry up of scrambled eggs, bacon, fried bread and orange juice. The eggs were still in the pan, the bacon on a try, fried bread on a paper towel and the juice in a cup. You went to grab a plate from the cupboard but when you opened it you remembered the issue. Your height. Yesterday, before Magnus went to work, you asked him to unload the dishwasher. He did but he 2 put all the plates on the top shelf.

"Damn it." You muttered. You didn't want to wake Magnus up so you tried to reach. You couldn't even go on the bunker since it was the cupboard over the sink which was full. You looked behind you and sighed. You looked back and crouched down and jumped. When you went to grab one all you did was clatter the plates together and make a huge noise. "Crap!" You said quietly, hoping you hadn't waken your sleeping boyfriend.

"Your heights getting the best of you again" You whipped round to see Magnus leaning on the door frame in his pyjamas, sweatpants and nothing else. He rubbed the sleep out of his makeupless eyes and ran a hand through his glitter and product free hair.

"Did I wake you?" You asked with a hint of sadness.

"Yes but its fine considering it was because of a wonderful smelling spread." He walked over and smelled the air. "Amazing Darling."

"Can you...?" You trailed off, pointing up to the plates. He chuckled, getting the message, and reached over you and grabbed two plates. "Thanks." You mumbled. After a second you turned round and started pushing him out the door.

"What are you doing?" He laughed.

"Go back to bed so I can wake you up." He said 'ok then' while fighting a laugh and walked back to your bedroom.

You grabbed the breakfast tray put the two plates on it then started filling them up. Once it was all set up, which took about eight minutes, you took the tray through. You had two plates filled with food, two glasses of OJ and a flower in a glass. When you walked in the bedroom you saw Magnus lying down doing loud fake snores. "Magnus." You cooed.

He did a large fake yawn, stretching his arms. "Good morning (Y/N), I have just awoken for the first time."

"Is that so?" He nodded while you laughed. You gave him a peck on the check and sat the tray in front of him. He moved over and patted the space next to him. You gladly sat down and put the covers over your legs while he draped an arm round your shoulder.

You two began eating and chatting and while doing so he asked. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Because you are the most caring man I know."

"Let me rephrase that: what did I do to deserve you?" Your face got bright red. He laughed and kissed your check. "I mean your only issue is your height bu-" He was cut off by you hitting his shoulder. "Sorry." He rubbed his shoulder. "You know I only slightly mean it." You rolled your eyes and kept eating while snuggling in closer to Magnus.

Requested on my tumblr. by Anonymous. Hope you like this!!!

Magnus is one of my favourite characters in general so I was so happy it was requested.

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