My Room?*Malec

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Trigger warning - Child abuse and neglect


"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T..." Magnus groaned, pouring another martini as he heard the apartment bellow fight. They'd moved in around a month ago and seemed to always have a row going on.

At first, it was entertaining to listen in and be a bit nosey, but it was starting to drill down on him. Deciding it may be better to go out for a drink when he hears another chair get thrown Magnus gathered some stuff.

Wallet? check. keys? check. coat? check. hair gel? check. Perfect. Sauntering down the stairs, Magnus looked over at the apartment to see if the door was about to fly off the hinges. Instead, he stopped as he saw a small child sitting in front of the door, knees to their chest.

Magnus cleared his throat and the child looked up. They raised their hand and gave a singular wave, before tucking their head back down. "Are you okay?" Magnus asked, words drawn out with a creased brow.

"I suppose so," they shrug, weak voice.

The door flew open "Come back in now," they didn't even pop their head out. The child stood quickly and rushed back inside, the door slamming behind them. Magnus heard the jingle of keys then said keys being flung somewhere.

Magnus walked back upstairs, drinking coffee with the tv on low, vaguely listening down below.

The next morning Magnus woke up on the couch with a stiff neck and an empty coffee cup in hand. Magnus turned the tv and forced himself up. As he stretched he froze, arms mid-air when there was a faint knock at the door.

Rolling his eyes with a yawn Magnus cracked the door open. "Hello?" Magnus looked around before looking down to see the child from yesterday. He let the door open fully and crouched down to their height "You okay?"

They nodded, "Um sorry but do you have any spare bread? Ours went moldy."

Magnus studied the child for a moment before nodding, standing to full height. He turned and walked back in the apartment, leaving the door open. He stopped when he realized the child was following him, "Aren't you going to wait outside?"

"Do you want me to?" the child asked, already rushing back.

Magnus shook his head, "You're not in trouble. Just haven't your parents told you it's not safe to go to a strangers house?" The child shrugged, "Wait there,"

The warlock stepped into his kitchen, summoning a full loaf of bread. He walked back through, "Do you need anything else? Milk, juice, eggs?" Magnus asked, handing the bread over.

The child looked down, "Um maybe milk but it's okay,"

"It's fine. I went shopping yesterday anyhow," Magnus lied, stepping back into the kitchen. He summoned a small carton of milk and walked back through. He saw the child petting chairman and he was only slightly protesting. "He doesn't like most people," Magnus said, handing the milk to the child.

They shrugged, "Seems sweet to me," Magnus nodded, "Thank you, sir,"

"My names Magnus. What's yours?"


"And how old are you sweetie?" Magnus asked.

The child's brow scrunched as they seemingly thought it out, "About 6. No 7," Magnus stopped his eyes widening and gave a quick nod. (Y/N) walked away.

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