Alec*First Date

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Alec had asked you out for dinner but it didn't go as planned. He had asked Jace to phone the restaurant for a table while he was on a mission. Jace had forgotten and also forgot to tell Alec so when you showed up and they didn't have his name in the book he was embarrassed. Very embarrassed. As you were walking down the street, slightly more dressed up than usual, you told him. "Alec don't worry," You saw a blink and you knew how to save the night. "I've got an idea."

You grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to where you saw the neon light. The arcade. "(Y/N), what is this place?"

You gasped. "You don't know what an arcade is?!?!" When he only raised an eyebrow you had to fix this injustice. "Oh we are doing this." You dragged him to a change machine and got your notes changed to coin and put them in a tub.

You went over to the slot machines first. "So these are the slots, ok?" He nodded. "Ok put in 30 cent." He did. "Then pull the lever. You want the three to match."

He got three different ones and looked at you weirdly. "This is what mundanes enjoy?"

"Why don't you pick a machine, ok?" He rolled his eyes slightly and walked to the basket ball game. "Do you know what to do?"

"Don't patronise me. You chuck the ball in the hoop, right?" You nodded. "Challenge you, whoever gets the most baskets wins." He smirked while you rolled your eyes.

"Your on!" You accepted. You both put in a dollar and started.

One to Alec

One to you

Two to Alec

Three to Alec

Two to you

This continued until the time was out. He, being a shadowhunter, got twelve while you got four. "Show off." You muttered while he laughed.

He stopped when he saw colourful bits of paper come out the machine. "What are those?"

"Tickets." He still looked confused so you explained while folding the tickets up. "You can swap them for prizes before you leave. I got forty and you got one hundred and twenty. Ten a basket."

He nodded. Once you had the tickets all folded and in the coin tub it was time to pick again. You tried every machine at least once, flirting and joking the whole time, and ended up air hockey. "Want a game?" He asked innocently.

"Of course." You smirked. You had been playing air hockey since you could reach the table. You were the reigning champion in your family and friend group. Alec may be a shadowhunter but he had no chance.

"I'll go easy on you." He laughed while you rolled your eyes and got into a stance. He served first and you deflected, sending it past him and scoring. "So that's how its going to be, huh? Ok then." He sent it flying and that's when it all kicked off.

For the two minute game the puck was bouncing back and forth like crazy. It clucked every time due to the force. Whenever one of you got one the other would soon catch up. You gathered a small crowd of around ten people watching the game. Due to how fast you were both going most people wanted to see the ending to the intense game.

Twenty seconds left

You got two in a row

Ten seconds

Alec got them back




Clunk, clunk


clunk, clunk


clunk, clunk


You got the puck in just before the buzzer went. You did a lap of victory around the hockey table. Alec rolled his eyes and put his hands on the table, either side of you. "I went easy."

"Get to-" He cut you off by kissing you. He pulled away after a second and told you, "Children." You looked and saw the disapproving looks of parents. Your checks went red.

"Come on," He put his arm round your waist. "Its already nine. We should go."

"But the tickets!" You whined. He rolled his eyes while smiling. You went to the ticket machine to get them counted then went to the prize booth.

"You've got fifteen thousand." You were both quite good to say the least. "What do you want?" The less than enthusiastic teen asked.

Alec turned to you. "Dunno," You surveyed your options. "I cant decide between getting that teddy and a few small things or the remote controlled helicopter." You looked to him for advise.

"How much for the bear and helicopter?"

"Twenty thousand. Your five thousand short." The prize keeper replied.

"I'll be back." He walked over to the punching bag machine you had skipped.

"You realise that he wont get enough right? He gets a minute to get as many hits as possible and its only fifty tickets a punch. He'll get max two thousand five hundred."

"Just watch." You leaned against the counter and watch Alec shrug of his jacket and roll up his sleeve. He put the money in and started. His hands were a blur. He was in the best stance, had perfect formation and had a swiftness and strength rune on. This prize master would eat her words.

After a minute of his hands moving quicker than you could see his tickets were spat out. He put them in the machine and walked over with the slip. "Five thousand two hundred." The teens mouth was agape. He had just got 104 full force punches in a minute. 1.7 a second.

She handed over your prizes and a slip with your ticket change. On the way out Alec stopped and gave a little boy his leftover two hundred tickets. As you walked down the street, arm round each others waists, you told him what the teen had said. "Mundanes." He rolled his eyes. You were both hungry so you stopped by McDonalds and got some food. You spent the first ten minutes convincing Alec to eat the 'gross mundane food' but won eventually.

"Ok, its not that bad."

"I knew you would like it!" It was ten o'clock at night and you were the only ones in year apart from a group of college kids cramming before an exam. "Admit this 'mundane' date was awesome." He rolled his eyes and bit into his burger. "Much better than a fancy restaurant."

"I'm going to kill Jace for that. This date was still better though." He ended up dropping you off home at eleven at night due to your long conversations. He got back to the institute at half past eleven and went to bed to think about the date, just like you did. He could kill Jace in the morning. Not before Izzy integrated him before though.

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