You're My Medicine*Raphael

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Being mundane sucked. That's the reason I'm lying on my death bed. Aka the flu. Since I moved into my own apartment last month I have to deal with it by myself. It's not fair! I want someone to make me soup.

Sighing, I reach for my phone. My whole body aches and I groan as I have to stick my head out of my cocoon of covers to see the device. My hand quickly dives back under the covers once I grab it. I turn it on but squint at the evil light that blinds me. Quickly I dim it as low as possible before going to my contacts.




"Raph, I'm dying." My voice is gross and groggy like I swallowed glass.

"Who did this? Where are you? I swear I'll-"

"I've got the flu, jeez calm down."

It went silent "You called me, saying you were dying, because of a little cold?!"

"Don't yell! I've got a headache. And it's not a cold! You wouldn't remember what its like to be sick anyway."

"I'll be there in 15. Make sure your curtains are shut"

"Love you! And they always are, just incase."

I but my phone of stand by and don't even notice as my eyes slowly shut.

"(Y/N)? Where are you?" Is what wakes me up.

I thrust my arm out of my cocoon and wave randomly. "Over here."

I hear footsteps approach and the duvet is pulled away from me. I squint at the light and manage to make out my beautiful boyfriend "Hiss, light!"

"Isn't it meant to be me saying that." He tried to joke. "Scotch." Groaning, I do as he says while he takes a seat on the side of my bed. I sit up and lean against my headboard. "How are you doing princessa?"

Raphael brings his hand up to move my hair off my sweaty forehead "Not great."

"You're burning up." He looks to the floor and grabbed something. I heard plastic rustling and look to see him holding a carrier bag. "Open up." I don't have a chance to protest before he puts a thermometer in my mouth.

After a couple moments, he takes it out "39 degrees (A/N: celsius because Fahrenheit is dumb). You've got a fever."

"See, not just a cold." I pouted.

"I know, I'm sorry." He looked back to the bag "Peace offering?"

I looked at him sceptically before grabbing the bag. Asprin, throat sweets, snacks, and all the ingredients to make soup. Not to mention the random mundane medicines. "Why did you buy so many medications?"

"I wasn't sure what to get. My mama normally nursed us herself so I don't actually know the types."

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He didn't often talk about his mama. "Thanks, but you're my medicine."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow "So you don't want some aspirin?"

I went silent for a moment "Maybe I can have more than one type of medicine?" He rolled his eyes "And some soup? Please?"

"You know I'll do anything for you." He kissed my forehead and grabbed the bag. "You take the aspirin, throat sweets and snacks" he sat it on my bedside table which was covered in tissues. He grabbed the bin by my bed and placed them in theirs. "Next time, put them in the bin. I love you, not your snot."

As time went on I began to smell something mouthwatering. I stood from my bed, wrapping the duvet around my shoulders, and began to head to the kitchen.

Shuffling in I see Raphael pouring something into a bowl. "You should be in bed."

I ignore his statement. "Is it almost done?"


I fling myself onto the couch. Raph grabs the bowl and walks over. "You look adorable."

"I look diseased."






"Adorable! Wait" Raphael laughs at my realisation "No fair! I'm sick!"

He chuckles and sits next to me. "Open up." I do as he says and I'm glad I did.

"This is amazing" I moan "But you don't need to spoon feed me. I'm, not a baby."

"You're my baby. And I want to take care of you. Do you want me to put on that weird tv you like?"

"You mean Netflix?"

"Whatever you mundanes call it." He mutters as he grabs the remote.

After I finish the soup we just cuddle up and watch random movies and shows. I know he'll refuse to admit it but Raph loves gossip girl and I have no issue rewatching it with him.

"I love you." Its kinda random but I want him to know.

I can feel him smile despite facing the other way "I love you too. Get better baby."

"I'm glad you aren't mundane, then I'd infect you too."

"It'd be worth it for you. Anything is worth doing to make you happy."

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