Magnus Bane*Foster Kid pt1

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Requested by MarthaBelin

Hi. I was wondering if you would mind writing a Magnus/ Reader imagine where the reader calls him because her foster family (who hates her and just took her for the money) kicked her out. And she has no idea where to go. Plus some people are following her.

A/N: I decided to make this into 2 parts since I thought it was getting a bit long.

Magnus Bane never thought he'd get involved with mundanes. Well unless money was involved. Somehow though Magnus had ended up befriending a young girl, (Y/N). Her parents had been killed by downworlders. Magnus had heard the commotion and decided to help.

Her family were already dead and the vampires had turned to (Y/N). Blue sparks flew out his hand and the vampires turned to him. it didn't take Magnus long to handle the out of hand fledgelings. Although he hated the shadowhunters at this point in time he called the clave anyway.

After the message was sent he looked at the girl cowering in the corner. "Who are you?" She asked, holding a hairbrush like a weapon.

Magnus gave a sympathetic smile. "Magnus, Magnus Bane." He slowly walked over to the child, as to not scare her. "Are you ok?" the girl hesitated before nodding slowly.

The sound of police sirens crept into Magnus' hearing. He had to go soon. Quick as a cat Magnus crouched down in front of the child. "If you ever see any monsters like that, come to Magnus Bane. Got that? Magnus. If you cant find me, look for the people covered in runes, ok?" Magnus finished speaking as he heard the sound of police running up the stairs.

Quickly, Magnus summoned a portal and began to step through. Just before he left he sent a quick spell to the child. The child fell asleep within seconds. She woke up the next day in the hospital. When she told people what happened they said she had slipped into a small coma so it was it had been a dream. She began to believe them eventually.

Years had gone by and (Y/N) found herself in yet another foster home. Only they hated her. She had been told many times that she was there for the money. This resulted in the family spending as little as they could on her.

She got the worst of the worse food and had been stuffed into the tiniest bedroom which reminded her of Harry's cupboard.

Many times she had thought of the man from her 'dream'. The monsters that attacked her family. It sometimes got so much so she went for walks. It's not like her foster family cared. She would go on walks for hours until she would have to stop since her feet hurt that bad. The only thing she'd have to remember is to be 'home' by 9 when her foster family locked the doors. She'd been late a few times so left the bathroom window unlocked.

It was later than usual. (Y/N) had got caught up as she gave directions to some new residents in her town. She had asked them the time and it surprised her that it was already half past 9. She began to walk home but it was further than she had realised.

Eventually, she arrived on her street and could see her foster house at the end of the street. As she walked she got an uneasy feeling, as though she was being watched. The sun had already set and the street lamps light didn't settle her nerves. The eyes of the night seemed to follow her. As though even the moon was watching her.

She stepped up her pace and crossed her arms. It was only now she regretted not bringing a jacket. As she was just outside her house she looked back and her stomach dropped. The pale skinned man at the end of the street stared at her. His eyes bore into what felt like her soul. He looked familiar but she couldn't place it. The only person, thing, that she could think of was the monsters from her dreams.

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