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Requested by BeautifulMax2001. Sorry it took so long. 

Question: Should I learn how to write smut?

It's not that I have anger issues it's just some people are stupid. And Jace is one of the people. He's done a lot of stupid things in his life but to name a few; trying to backflip out his bedroom window because he's 'the best' when he was 13, copying Bieber's haircut when he was 14, sneaking out at 15 and having a jager bomb without ever trying alcohol, oh and running a random mundane which could potentially kill her.

The two missions shown to us was either the pandemonium or giving the werewolves at Taki's a warning. I was the lucky one that got to go to Taki's. since I was friends with a couple of the wolves there and was relatively liked by the downworld I stayed for a couple of drinks.

Let me tell you I wasn't impressed when I found my boyfriend and friends huddled outside the infirmary talking in hushed whispers. "Who died?" I asked.

Alec rolled his eyes, "This idiot," he nodded at Jace who looked beyond stressed, "Runed a mundane."

My eyebrows rose and I just stared at Jace who squirmed under my gaze. Jace and I had been friends long before he came to New York since my parents used to live in Idris near his home. In fact, it was him who introduced me to Alec and Izzy when I was 13. Through our friendship, despite him being the 'better shadowhunter' he knows I would kill him. "So, who's planning Jace's funeral?" I asked. Jace rolled his eyes "You think I'm kidding? The clave is going to kill you. Literally. Like dead dead. Like how Izzy looks without makeup,"

Isabelle punched my arm, "Hey! And she's not mundane. The rune didn't kill her,"

"Thank the angel. Because if it did we would all be taking a trip to the silent city," I said, putting my hands on my hips, "Now Jace get in there and figure out what the hell is going on,"

"She's asleep," Jace said.

"And?" I asked, turning on my heels and walking away.

I was going through a couple case files on an institutes computer when I sensed someone sneaking up on me. "Jace," I said, not looking up, "Don't even try it,"

When I heard a sigh and turned around to face them. My favourite trio was there with a random redhead and specky boy. Out of habit, I scanned over the two, inspecting for weapons, possible threats, and anything of importance. We'd been trained to do this, but the girls raised an eyebrow and crossed arms suggested she didn't know this. 

It had been Jace who sighed, "(Y/N), this is Clary and Simon," he said, "Clary's the-"

"Mundane shadowhunter thing. Yeah, I guessed," I nodded towards her rune. Isabelle was basically hanging off of Simon the girl had obviously caught Jace's attention. I shared a quick look with Alec who looked so done with life. "So, what's happening now?"

Jace shifted a little "e should go to the silent city." he started, about to clear his throat.
I jumped in "To turn ourselves in? cause that's the only slightly logical reason,"

Blondie sighed "Look Clary can't remember anything about the shadow world, so my thoughts were that the silent brothers go into her head and get something,"

"I think it's an awful idea," Alec said. Jace glared at him but Alec shrugged.

I nodded, "For once he's right," Alec maybe my boyfriend, but we tease the living hell out of each other, "Have you ever thought to make a decision, I don't know, based of logic?"

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