How you meet Magnus

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(Y/F/S) = your favourite song

I have been recovered from valentine's ship and am now in the New York institute. I hate it. The people don't trust me because they think I turned willingly. Hell no. He found me living on the streets after I had run away from home. My friend had claimed to be a werewolf and had shown me and now my family thought I was crazy. When he found me he told me he would help me see the whole shadow world and how I could protect myself from danger. He manipulated me and no one here cared. I was sick of it and they wouldn't let me leave so I took matters into my own hands. I packed a very basic bag and grabbed a seraph blade and a stele. I wasn't that experienced in fighting but I was so used to it although I had only been training 4 days before the clave came. I already had a few runes so I just replied a (Nyx) night vision, silent and swiftness rune. It was midnight when I left.

3rd POV

Alec Lightwood was greeted by panic when he came into the main section of the institute. He went up to his parabatai to find out what was going on.

"What's happening? Why are people freaking out?" Alec asked the blonde.

"One of the new shadow hunters has left. I don't know which one but there are only a couple here who weren't sent t Idris and they won't tell me which one."

"You," Alec walked up to random shadow hunter at the main screen, which was trying to locate your location. "Who are we looking for?" They hesitated before just telling him it was

"(Y/N) no last name that we know of. They went missing during the night and no one noticed until this morning." Jace slightly started to pull Alec away before whispering to him.

"They gave me something on the ship," he pulled out a small picture that had been folded up. "They asked me to keep it safe. I was going to give it back when I woke up. "

"Why did they give you it?" Alec asked as he took Jace down a corridor to an empty room.

"Valentine didn't want them to be trackable. He also made us do blocking runes so shadow hunters couldn't track us either."

"So we have to use a warlock then," Alec sighed, wishing this would be simpler. "Right lets go to Magnus's."

The pair travelled to the warlock's apartment, sending a quick text on the way to let him know they were coming. They briefly explained the situation and he was just about to agree when he asked.

"And what about my fee? What do you want to pay in?"

"Oh I dunno," Alec stammered, he forgot that warlocks normally had a price, "What do you want?"

"Well you seem to call in a lot of favours with me so I would like one back." Alec and Jace shared a look before agreeing. Magnus did his tracking spell and led the two to a random park. They looked around and saw a figure slouched down on a bench with headphones, seraph blade next to them and a stray cat (or so it seemed) on their lap being petted.

As they came over they could hear the music slightly from your headphones. (Y/F/S), good taste. Magnus thought. Suddenly you stopped petting the cat and pulled it close, shielding it as you pointed your blade at the trio. When you saw Jace with them you lowered your weapon slightly and asked,

"What do you want?" Magnus was slightly surprised by how cold your voice was and it sent shivers down his spin.

"(Y/N/N) please come back without a fight," Jace pleaded "They already don't trust you."

"Yeah and for crummy reason." You turned to look at Alec, the acting head and said "Tell me something head guy. Is it my fault he tricked me into thinking my best friend was out to get me as well as all other downworlders and the clave. He told me the only way to survive and help my best friend was to turn into a shadow hunter. Do you not understand how painful it was to endure and the emotional trauma of being forced to watch your best friend be experimented on because they were turned into a werewolf?" You were fuming. This was the first time they didn't interrupt you and it was only because they didn't want a scene. Or so you thought. You looked down at the cat in your lap.

"I just wanted a chance to explain. To get some fresh air out of the institute. I was only turned 8 days ago." You looked up and although your eyes were starting to water slightly your expression was strong.

"We will sort all that out if you come back, (Y/N)" Alec spoke looking down. "Start anew."

"Can I keep the cat?" Alec just rolled his eyes and nodded. Jace and you started to walk away as Magnus said to Alec with his eyes on you and the strangely familiar cat.

"Them. I want a chance with them." Alec looked confused for a minute before saying,

"I'll see what I can do." You turned around a good few feet away and called to him,

"You coming Archer?" Alec rolled his eyes as Magnus's almost popped out his eye sockets.

"Chairman!" he exclaimed rushing forward toward you and his missing cat, "There you are!" He went to take the cat before saying "May I?" you nodded as he took his cat. You frowned slightly, asking,

"Is he yours?"

"Yes, this stubborn little cat has been missing for a week! I was going to use a spell to track him soon." He saw your disappointed look so added, "You can visit him anytime, perhaps over drinks?" he asked with a coy smirk.

You turned bright red and started stuttering something along the lines of 'sure, eh maybe' he just chuckled and walked away.

That night Alec had texted Magnus your phone number and payed his debt.

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