Magnus Bane*Visions PT3

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A/N: Sorry part 3 took so long. Also part 4 of foster kid will be up next time.

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My mom is actually gonna kill me. "And why can't you come home?" I could hear the frustration in her voice.

"Becuase mom, for the 100th time," I groan "I can't. Clary needs me,"

"Honey she's been needing you for the past 2 weeks. if it's that bad I'll pay for her freakin shrink!" I rub my forehead and sit on my bed for the past 2 weeks "I'm worried about you. Simon's mom says he's been gone too. I haven't heard from Jocylen. What happened to you three?"

"Life mom, life happened. Now I've got to go." I look up as the door opens, revealing Alec, "Theirs a customer,"

"Where do you work exactly?"

"The Institute. It's this cafe thing in Brooklyn. Love you,"

"Love you too," her voice was a sigh but she hung up, not pressing further.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair before tossing my phone on my bed. "You know I can't keep this act up forever right?" I asked him, not even looking.

"It can't be helped," Alec has warmed up to me slightly but is still generally professional, "But you're needed at the computers. We think we might have something,"

As we walk to the main part of the institute shadowhunters stare at me. The mundane. Only Alec, Jace, Izzy, Clary, Simon, and Magnus know about the question mark that follows the word mundane.

Standing around the computer was Jace, Izzy, and Clary. "Hey (Y/N), take a look at this," Izzy stepped out the way for me to look.

Scanning my eyes over the screen, I tried to find what they meant. "Yeah, its just some old guy and some girl," I shrug.

"Do you recognize either of them? Even a little?" Jace pressed.

I groaned, looking closer. Squinting my eyes I inspected the people. "Not a clue,"

"Useless," Jace threw his hands up, "This was all useless."


Alec rubbed his forehead "We squared everything. Every story, downworlder type, even the angelic blooded and all we could come up with was these two. There were a few other but it didn't make enough sense. These," he points to the people "Were are last option,"

"Who even are they?"

"Hypnos, God of Sleep, and Phoebe, Titan Goddess of Prophecy. We thought you could somehow be related," Izzy said.

My eyebrows rose, my eyes scanning over them "2 things,"I start, "1 I'm not a god, goddess, or even Percy Jackson," The shadowhunters looked confused "And 2, I'm pretty sure everyone established that Greek gods are myths," I cross my arms, glaring at the shadowhunters.

"You found out werewolves existed last week but Greek gods are too much?" Clary asked. "Look I know its difficult but we're trying,"

"You've been whining all the damn time,"

She glares at me "My mother is missing,"

"And my mum thinks I'm dead! Jesus Clary pull your head out your ass," I storm off. I try to find the one place that seems to have peace. The guardians.

I wouldn't normally lurk in gardens but the institutes garden is breathtaking. It's also a mini sanctuary since hardly anyone goes there.

As I'm staring at some hydrangeas, sitting on a bench, I hear the door open. "Hey,"

"Sup?" I ask Alec, weakly.

He sat done next to me, leaning forward and resting his arms on his legs. "How do you deal with her?"

"Fuck knows," I groan, leaning back, "Were close. Really. When everything's chill its good. But she tends to get...a little self-centered," I look at him "What she do?"

"Complain. Something about you always being on her case. I kinda just left," He shrugged. After a couple moments, he said "I do need to talk to you about the God thing,"

I slump in my seat, "Why?" I groan.

"Becuase I said so," Alec quipped, "Look I get it sounds far-fetched to a mundane. Its even a bit weird for us. Sure we're used to angels but the gods are a step above. The last known record of them being on earth was Jez, 100, 200 centuries ago. Rumors have been floating about but nothing serious." Alec sat back, looking at me, "But even if it isn't the gods, your parents are most likely not related to you,"

"And how am I meant to find that out?"

He shrugs, "DNA, paperwork, hospital records. Many ways to be honest,"

We sit in silence for a little bit "I need to go home, "I break the silence, "my mom, related or not, is worried. She says she's gonna call the police,"

"It's not safe-"

"I know but I need to, "I cut him off.

He glares at me "1st of all I was talking, "I roll my eyes, "2nd of all I didn't say no. We legally can't stop you. That's kidnapping. But if you go home, refuse help, were under no obligation to take you back in and the shadow hunters already want you out. Chances are you won't have a room to go back too,"

"I need to go, "I tell him.

"Okay," he stands up, "I'll get you a bag for your stuff," I nod and follow him into the institute. As we're walking he says "You know if your endanger then whoever your with is endanger."

I sigh, running my hands over my face, "I just don't know what to do anymore," I almost break down "I just want it all to stop,"

After that embarrassing breakdown in front of Alec, I pack my bag. I hadn't had much to pack anyhow. Alec got my number so he could contact me and I left a note for clary. I just need to get home.

My key turns in the lock easily and I open the door. I dump my bag on the floor and walk through the familiar corridor. I hear footsteps echo through the house and see my mom walk into the corridor. We make eye contact and she just hugs me, "Don't you ever do that again," she tells me, holding me tight enough to break me.

"I won't. I promise, "I say as I feel a wetness fall on my shoulder. How could she not be my mother?

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