When You're Sick

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(A/N: This is requested by chrystal_NARUKO and this scenario is the first to be requested for this book! So if you guys have suggestions on what you guys  want me to write in this book, feel free to send me a DM or here in the comments section down below. Thanks and enjoy reading! :3)

Photo : I couldn't find the artist who drew this but I found this in Zerochan so I'm sorry T_T

Link : https://www.zerochan.net/2126272

Date created : June something, I forgot the date but I think it's somewhere between 27-28

Date edited : August 12, 2019 / August 18, 2019



This is 13th time that I sneezed already - yes, I counted - and now my bed is now surrounded by tissues.

Thanks to the weather that has been acting up again with its cold temperature for the past few days (A/N: which is also happening right now from where I came from because a lot of people are getting sick and wearing masks too), I got sick. 

What's worse, my mom went on a business trip to another country while my dad won't be home until the next three days for an important hero business with Best Jeanist which leads me taking care of myself at my own home.

Talk about worst timing ever.

Good thing it happen during a Saturday afternoon after my way home from school - which was yesterday - and that's where my coughing and sneezing are acting up on its own.

"Achoo!! Dammit, why world", I said to myself and got up to clean up the tissues that surrounded my bed before getting a new set of tissues.

I blew my nose and put the tissue roll on my desk before I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Man, I look horrible-"

My cough interrupted me and when I touched my face, it was really warm.

'Eh? My sickness got worse?!'

I got the temperature from my bag to check if I really have fever then after some time, I checked the results.

My eyes widened after looking at the temperature monitor (basically you have high fever).

'Oh no'

If only I have a healing quirk like Recovery Girl, I'll be better in no time.

But I guess it will never happen.

Just when I was about to go back to rest, my phone rang and it was vibrating on my desk.

When I checked the ID caller, it was my boyfriend, Todoroki.

I grabbed my phone and answered the call.

"H-Hey, Shoto!", I replied and tried my best not to cough.

"Hello, (Y/N). Are you at home right now?"

"Yeah, why?", I questioned since I'm a bit curious.

Does he want to meet my parents already or something?

"Well, as you can see, I arrived at your residence and wanted to pay a visit"

"W-What, seriou-ACHOO!", I sneezed after replying what he just said and quickly grabbed a tissue.

"Are you okay?", he questioned me with concern.

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