When He Wants Your Attention

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Date created: Feb 10, 2019

Date edited: Feb 14, 2019


Today is a weekend and Todoroki wants to visit my place since he wants to spend time with me and once again my parents aren't around because of work (I guess he'll meet my parents some other time then).

He said he might take a while for him to get here because he'll stop by somewhere to buy something so I decided to wait for him for a bit.

I took out the manga that Ashido lent me the other day and a smile was forming on my lips.


"Hey, check this out, (Y/N)!"

I looked over to Asui and Ashido who looked really excited with smiles curling on their lips. Then I noticed what Ashido was holding, it was a new volume of one of my favorite shoujo manga that has been released a few weeks ago.

My eyes widened and I said, "W-Woah, isn't that-"

"Yass, (Y/N)!", Ashido said with excitement, "Volume 8 is here and I managed to get a copy before it was all sold out!".

"S-Seriously?!", I commented before she handed the manga to me, "You're amazing, Ashido".

"Thanks but you can get a copy after school, (Y/N)!", Ashido exclaimed and shook my shoulders with excitement.

"I heard they re-stocked more copies at one of our local bookstores", said Asui, "If you want, you can come with us and we'll get ourselves a copy too, kero".

I smiled widely upon hearing this but-

"But um...I have something to do later", I said sadly, "I'm going with Todoroki after school".

They mouthed an 'ohh' and squealed afterwards upon hearing half-and-half boy's name.

"Another date?!", Ashido questioned.

I laughed at her and replied, "I guess you could say that, haha".

"If that's the case...", Ashido said with a thumbs up, "You can borrow mine if you want!".

I gasped and shook my head saying, "No no, it's alright. You don't have to-"

"It's fine!", Ashido reassured and giggled, "You have date later with Todoroki so I completely understand. Besides, I read the whole volume already".

"Kero? Seriously?", said Asui.

Ashido nodded proudly and said, "Yeah, but I won't spoil it, of course!".

*Flashback ended*

"Wow, the cover is so beautiful", I said to myself as I examined the front cover of the manga, "Maybe one quick peek won't hurt".

Once it was opened, my eyes widened as soon as I saw the drawings of the main characters and some small doodles on the first page.

"Yes!", I mumbled and flipped to the next page which is the continuation of the previous volume, "Oh yeah! This part!! I better read this".

Thus, I ended up reading the manga thoroughly with excitement plastered on my face like I haven't read a single manga for ages.

Every time I flipped one page to another, my smile won't disappear and I feel like being on a trance that is pulling me in as I became almost engrossed with the story.

Todoroki Shoto Boyfriend / Husband Scenarios (Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now