Boyfriend (Kaitlyn One Shot)

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''Your boy, boy, b-b-boy, b-b-boyfriend. Your boy, boy, b-b-boy, b-b-boyfriend. Your boy, boy, b-b-boy, b-b-boyfriend. Your boy, boy, b-b-boy-b-b-boy.... Have you ever had the feeling when you're drawn to somone? (Yeah) Any reason anything they could've said or done? And everyday I see you on you're own and I can't believe that you're alone bu I overheard your girls and this is what they said.''

My debut in the WWE was tonight ever since I was a little boy I've been dreaming of this moment watching my idol Shawn Michaels on the television and being someone in the audience I've been of this day for a very long time and it was now coming true. I must admit I was scared to go out there and perform infront of a huge crowd but I'm not giving up on my dreams my time is here now. I grabbed my wrestling boots I could hear the crowd from the Locker room everyone looked really excited except from me I was excited but also scared what if I mess up? I shook all of them thoughts out of my mind tonight I was in a tag team with one of the biggest superstars ever John Cena as my partner. Not only did I have to impress the fans, the whole locker room and the authority but I also had to impress Cena. I stood up and walked out of the locker room that's where I saw her standing there all alone I wish I could talk to her but my music was playing. I walked out there the crowd chanting loudly this is my dream this is where my journey begins.

My name is Taroon last year I got signed by WWE but to work for NXT since I needed a bit more training so I wrestled there. Wrestling was my escape to a lot of things in life it was my escape to the stress from school until I dropped out to start my journey. In the end it was all worth it I remember when people used to tell me you won't get there and all of the traveling will just be a waste of time but they were wrong because I am here now. I don't regret dropping out of school at all even though I did was a better educating but school for me was just hell. Lately I've been crushing on this girl she's beautiful her name is Kaitlyn sometimes though I think she doesn't notice me. I think I should change that and get her to notice me by talking to her and that is what I am going to do after my match.

''Looking for a, Looking for a that you're looking for a boyfriend I can see that give me time, you know I'm gonna be that don't be scared to go put your trust in me. Can't you see all I really want to be is your boyfriend can't fight that knock me down you know I'm coming right back I don't care at all what you've done before all I really want is to be your. Your boy, boy, b-b-boy-b-b-boyfrend, Your boy, boy b-b-boy-b-b-boyfriend, Your  boy, boy, b-b-boy-b-b-boyfriend, Your boy, boy, b-b-boy-b-b-boyfriend.''

I walked backstage after winning my match with my team mate John Cena we celebrated for awhile out there but it was amazing. While I was walking back to the locker room I saw Kaitlyn talking to her best friend Layla I couldn't help but to stare at her she was so beautiful and that smile is just to die for. I felt someone pat me on the back making my cough loudly Kaitlyn looked over at me I looked back at her she waved making me wave back.

''Woah man are you okay?'' I heard the voice of my best friend Sami Zayn I turned around and glared at him.

''Oh, yeah I'm feeling great even though my own best friend tried to kill me infront of the girl that I'm crushing on'' I said to him while walking to the locker room.

''Hey I didn't know you were stalking instead you should have gone over there and talked to her instead of just stadning there.'' He said while following closely behind me I sat down and grabbed a towel wiping the sweat off my face.

''I wasn't stalking her plus she was talking to Layla so I couldn't talk to her these things take time and when I'm ready I will talk to her.'' I said to him getting some clothes out of my bag Sami sighed and stood up.

''Alright then but if you wait too long then you will say goodbye to her forever be quick dude or you've lost your chance with her.'' He said then walked out of the locker room Sami was right I had to think of a plan to ask Kaitlyn out and I had to think of it fast.

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