Japanese word of the day in kanji

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① ー
Means the number one
On-yomi [original Chinese pronunciation]
-いち (ichi)
-いっ (i) -this one is closer to the Chinese pronunciation in my opinion. You pronounce it with a glottal stop, meaning a pause. And your voice should go up in pitch a little.
Example sentences with on-yomi pronunciations/readings:
-ー(いち) ichi- one
-ー時(いちじ) -ichi ji- one o'clock
-一年生(いちねんせい)- ichi nensei- first year student
Kun-yomi [native Japanese reading]
Example sentences with kun-yomi:
-一分(いっぷん)-ippun- one minute
-一つ(ひとつ)-hitotsu- one


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