all these years ; 1

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summary: you expected to move in with harrison, but you were surprised to see he forgot to mention someone else was there too

warnings: some swears

"After all these years & you still haven't changed one bit" you heard a him say, making you look up from your gaze on the floor.

tom holland. old best friend, old crush/lover— it was complicated.

"it's only been three, first of all. & second... why are you here?" you replied, looking him up & down.

you haven't seen him since he became big in the movie industry, around the ripe age of 20. that's why he broke your heart, he left you without a proper goodbye.

"why are you here? y/n, i live here. what are you doing here" he said with a mocking tone, making you look at him confused.

"harrison... he told me i'd just be moving in with him... what—"

"shit" a voice said from behind you, making you turn to look at harrison who had just opened the front door.

"you have some explaining to do mate" tom said with a bit of anger as he looked at his best friend, looking at you occasionally.

he hated to admit you looked great, definitely more mature & grown into your features. he also hated how he felt his palms grew a bit sweaty at the thought of you being only 5 feet away from him.

"i, well— i thought it'd be fun to have the trio back okay? y/n told me she was coming here for a while because she got a good writing job & i wanted her to stay with us—"

"you didn't even bother asking? you could've said something—" tom argued.

"surprise?" harrison said with jazz hands, seeing how you & toms reactions were dull.

silence broke out from there as neither of you knew what to say next. that was until you spoke up.

"well, if i am going to be staying here uh can i be shown to my room?" you asked, making harrison nod & lead you down the hall to your room, which was across from tom's but a door to the left.

"this is just what i fucking needed" tom mumbled to himself as he ran a hand over his face before heading to his room, closing the door with a huff.

you took note of that & looked at harrison with a curious glare.

"why didn't you tell me you were living with tom" you asked him as he shut the door so the both of you were alone.

"well you know, your past with him... i-i didn't know if that would affect things or not & i really wanted you to move in so i just fibbed a bit" he said causally, making you scoff.

"harrison, you told me very detailedly that tom had a place outside of LA where he was staying & that he moved out. you even told me what his place looked like & everything— you full on lied!" you said to him, rolling your eyes with a laugh.

"you're not mad?" he asked.

"course not, it's just you know... things with tom have been, i don't know. they've just been weird the last while. so i don't like that he's here & that you lied but it's not the worse thing i suppose"

tom holland ; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now