his priority

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You & tom were on a little trip which was just the two of you. you both haven't been able to spend much time with each-other in the last couple months due to his schedule, but now since he was on a break for a while he decided to take you somewhere without any distractions. he didn't tell you much of where you were going, but he gave you a list of things to pack.

you both ended up in a small vacation house in bali, which was absolutely beautiful. you've been there for a few days now, sightseeing & exploring around the house. you were gonna stay there for about a month & you were excited. now you were cuddling on the couch in the living room while watching some tv after dinner.

your eyes became droopy while resting your head on his chest, so you let them fall & soon you were out like a light. tom looked down & smiled at you when he heard your breathing ease out. he noticed his phone on the coffee table started to go off so he gently laid you down on the couch & picked up his phone to see who was calling him.

he walked over to the kitchen so he wouldn't be to loud to wake you up, but you woke up a few minutes later because you felt a little cold without tom's arms around you. you heard a muffled noise coming from the kitchen so you quietly walked over to see what was going on.

"david i already told you, i'm on vacation with my girl. i was supposed to off for the next couple months. i just wanted a break from everything, i don't see why it's a problem" he said in an annoyed voice to whoever was on the other line.

"i promised her that there wouldn't be any distractions from work while i'm away, i wanna keep that promise. my team has already given me the next months off so i'm not obligated to come back now...fine! call my manager & he'll tell you the same thing!" you saw him start to lean onto the counter top & cover his face with his free hand as he let out slight curses to himself.

you slowly walked over to him & started to rub his back as you leaned your head on his shoulder. a few minutes later he got off the call & slammed his phone onto the counter top, putting his face into his hands.

"sorry about that lovey" he mumbled out.

"it's okay, don't you worry" you said, lifting his hands off his face so you could see him.

"come here" you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him into a hug.

he wrapped his arms tightly around you, his stress starting to ease from his body as your scent & touch overfilled his senses.

"they want me to go into the city to do an interview tomorrow" he said into the hug.

"it's just one interview, you wouldn't be gone too long. just about 2-3 hours tops?" you asked as you twirled a curl from the back of his head around your finger.

"i think so" he mumbled.

"you should go. i'll be fine, it'll give me time to do some cleaning or something" you said pulling away, giving him a reassuring smile.

"your not mad? i can call back & say no to it love-"

"i want you to go babe. it won't hurt you to go. as much as i want you to say no, your job is a priority-"

"but your more important y/n. your my top priority" he whispered, leaning his forehead to yours.

"this trip was meant just for us, no one else. just you & me baby" he said before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.

"you choose what you want to do alright, either way i'm not mad or upset or anything- i'm happy & proud of you. I love you mostest, tom" you said as you wrapped your arms around his torso, rubbing his back gently.

"i'm definitely not going" he thought to himself, giving your head a kiss. his arms wrapped around you too, one resting horizontally on your shoulder blades & the other rested on your head, stroking your hair.

tom always put you first, even before his job. you were his girl, his number one priority no matter what & nothing will get in the way of your time spent together, not on his watch.

tom holland ; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now