what i'm trying to say is...

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summary: after a phone call with tom, you both decide to meet up at the library for a hang out

warnings: none :)

inspired by "what i'm trying to say is..." by henry jackman from the cherry score!

this is also a continuation of the previous imagine "when life was just beginning, i saw you" :)

"So, did you finish the book yet?" you asked into the phone, biting your lip as you tried not to smile too much.

he called... & you've never been happier

"i finished it last night after i edited an assignment for my writers craft class &... i gotta say, you were right" tom replied, scratching his neck a bit while tapping his right foot lightly against the floor.

he was nervous to the point of nausea. tom had paced his small dorm room for a good half an hour debating whether he should give you a call or not. it's been a week & a half since he last saw you, after you returned a book & he hates to admit that he misses seeing your smirk & hearing your voice in person. he's not one to pine on a girl much, so this is very odd to him.

"of course i was right, the book is amazing! it has so many levels of depth that most people tend to ignore, either on purpose or out of unawareness—anyways... i'll stop rambling now" you stopped yourself with a small laugh.

"i like it when you ramble" he said unexpectedly, making you scream internally.

this guy is gonna be the death of you. a lovely, beautiful death

"so, do you wanna talk about the book or something else—"

"well actually i-i uh, i wanted to call & see how um... you were doing if that's alright?" he stuttered out, mentally cursing himself for being so awkward.

you could feel your heart warm slightly at his kind words, your cheeks grew warm & your stomach turned in a full circle.

"i've been alright, my history class is kicking my ass a little bit. other than that i've been fine, how have you been?"

"i'm good thanks, just tired from working late shifts at the library" he replied, leaning back in his office chair & looking at the ceiling.

"about the library... when do you want me to come by again, for you to show me around & give me book recommendations? i've been looking forward to it" you asked, making tom bite his lip at the thought.

"well i thought you'd just show up, i've been waiting for you" he said smoothly, making your cheeks grow warmer at his words.

"how about i come when you have your next shift, maybe a late night one so it could be just us?" you suggested, making tom's eyes widen with excitement.

"i have a late shift on saturday, i start at six & end at eleven" tom said a little too quick, sighing when he heard you laugh a bit at his eagerness.

"you're cute. when do you have to lock up?"

"between eight thirty & nine"

"so, i'll see you sometime around then"

"great! see you then"

tom holland ; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now