facetime blurb

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Peter parker is your everything. your best friend, yin to your yang & your sun on a rainy day. the boy has the ability to make any situation better & he just makes everything for you click. peter & you go a while back, meeting him at delmars back in 8th grade.

you & peter are now in college. he's attending duke while your all the way in toronto at ryerson. ever since your relationship started you both haven't been so far away from each-other for long periods of time like this, even though he's still spiderman. not seeing him everyday hurts you to your core, same for him.

you both have been busy with finals & it's felt like ages since you both facetimed each-other due to both of your exhausting studying & class schedules. finally, the perfect night came for you both. your 6:30pm class got cancelled & peter had his class for the day at 2pm so you both were going to have a facetime date.

you showered & tried to make sure you looked nice instead of your oversized sweatshirt & study look. peter made sure his hair was just how you like it, curly & un-tamed. you both we're excited to see each-other's faces even though it's on a screen.

you sat on your bed watching Netflix when your phone started to ring. your heart rate picked up & you immediately accepted it, seeing him & his curls for the first time in a while.

"hi pete" you said with a huge smile on your face, causing him to chuckle.

"hey princess, missed your voice" he said as he adored you, his phone leaning on his desk as he was finishing his dinner.

"missed yours too" you both smiled at each-other, feeling eased to be talking to each-other, even if it isn't in person.

tom holland ; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now