cherry: my thoughts (spoiler free)

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Hey everyone!

i watched cherry last night on apple tv & MY GOD— tom & ciara did an amazing job staying true to their roles. their acting in this film was too good to be true, they really had me sold that they were truly cherry & emily.

each part in the film left me with a different feeling & the colour palette & the lenses they used to convey those emotions— such an amazing idea, because it really brought the film together. & the sound score for this film— i love it so much that i bought it on apple music.

there were some scenes however that were hard for me to watch, mostly in part 3 called "cherry", part 4 called "home" & the epilogue. the car scene, which tom has talked briefly about in interviews, was the hardest scene of all for me to watch.

i'm being completely honest here, that scene triggered me deeply & caused me to have a small panic attack. so i warn you, please be careful when watching this movie. if you can, try watching it with a family member or a friend— i wish i would've done that.

but overall, i loved the film. it was pretty accurate to the book, but they did change some parts slightly, like making the film revolve around cherry & emily's relationship instead of being more accurate to the book in that sense.

for example, the gymnasium scene that was shown in the trailer was different in the book. & in the book, cherry & emily were apart from each-other longer & they even got divorced at one point when cherry was back home for a while, when the drug use started.

i do recommend reading or listen to the book on audible or whatever before you watch the movie, just to get a deeper sense of understanding of who cherry is & the events that happened. they did a beautiful job with the movie & telling his story, but the book is a bit better in my opinion in that sense.

i really hope tom & ciara get awarded for their hardwork that went into this film, they truly deserve it. they made me proud.

also, they did a really good job at not romanticizing drug abuse, addiction & mental health. they really showed the grit & all the bad parts— they showed the reality of it & i cannot thank them enough for that because as someone with severe mental health issues, it meant a lot that it was shown in its entirety.

& i could see myself so many times in cherry & emily in certain scenes, which was a bit scary considering what they were going through.

but anyways, this film is amazing. & if you can't watch it or don't want to, that is completely okay! don't feel pressured into it! watch it whenever you feel comfortable enough or when you want to!

also: i don't think i will write imagines about cherry. i really don't have the heart to do it.

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